
  1. GordonSturrock

    damaged turkey snood

    Greetings! Great to bump into this group, looks very active. I care for and feed a handicapped wild turkey who has something wrong with his snood. Picture attached. Looks like some kind of bruise? It is darker colored than normal, looks a bit crusty or like a scab. Mostly on his snood, but also...
  2. JennieLamb

    Newly hatched poults can't stand, has floppy neck.

    HELP! We had 6 poults hatch out of 14 eggs, 2 died with in 90 min and 2 others can't seem to stand up. They keep shooting their legs strait out and pushing themselves along the bottom of the brooder on their sides. Their heads seem a little floppy too. I looked up wry neck and this doesn't seem...
  3. W

    Turkey hen playing dead?

    Today I came home to my turkey hen sitting in the nesting box, motionless, her face smooshed up to the corner of the wall (I couldn’t even see her head), legs splayed out abnormally. She looked dead. I called for my husband. We cautiously approached the motionless bird. Then she blinked and we...
  4. MamaPoult

    Slightly dumb turkey questian.

    Hi guys! So super quick questian for you all. My turkey jake's snood appears to be getting a bit dry (it is super dry where I live). You know when your hands are just a tad bit dry and they look kinda course and white and flaky? That's about what he has. It probably wont even show up in a pic...
  5. aliciawrenn

    Blood clot-Who, why, emergency?

    Found this large blood clot on the coop floor this morning. The other image is a smaller clot just cropped photo. We have 20 hens, 3 roosters, 1 female turkey and one Tom turkey. The Tom does not sleep in the coop and rarely goes in. Any idea how to determine who this came from as no one is...
  6. JennieLamb

    Bourbon Red Heritage Hatching Eggs

    Hi everyone, So after our BBB Turks sudden escape/disappearance around the 7 week mark, we decided to get Bourbon Red Heritage Turks. So they came in around early July, and started laying Monday March 11th. So, first, it doesn't matter how clean the boxes are, it's been muddy and they're MESSY...
  7. C

    Turkey with punctured trachea

    My sweet tom Brad was attacked through the fence by my parents dog last night. Lots of blood and a snoring sound with breathing. Went to vet first thing this am and he has a punctured trachea Has anyone ever dealt with this?? The vet advised against surgery and says the hope is it will close...
  8. CloneFly

    Swollen head

    It just never stops... *sigh* :barnie Went out this morning to find our 1yr old turkey hen with a swollen head. I tried taking pictures, but she's not exactly photogenic. She's acting normal and laid an egg yesterday, she just has that abnormal swelling.. Important notes: - she lost her little...
  9. N

    East Texas Turkey Breeders

    I know this is technically for chickens, but I figured I might as well reach out and see if anyone knew of some reputable turkey breeders. I have Blue Slate heritage breed turkeys and am looking for a tom. Our favorite (and only) tom got out and unfortunately got got by something. Our hens are...
  10. H

    Help! Turkey Foot Pain / Swelling

    Hi everybody, first time posting here. I got two turkeys from a friend of mine who bought too many from tractor supply. I picked them up in September and have had them since, I’ll post a picture from the day I got them but I don’t know how old they were then. The tom had a crooked toe back...
  11. youngchooklover

    Can Turkeys, chickens and ducks all get along?

    G'day everyone, I'm new here and I just wanted to know can I run turkeys, chickens and ducks all together? Can they even all sleep together? Just making a coop for my place at Kangaroo island and wanted to know. Thank you to anyone who responds 🦃
  12. FathertoFeathers

    Turkey with swollen face

    Yesterday when I was working in the yard I noticed one of my bronze turkey hens face was swollen. About a month or two ago all my birds caught some respiratory infection which I treated with some amoxicillin I had on hand. After about 10 days on it and some tlc everyone was feeling and looking...
  13. L

    Sneezing and nose discharge

    Hi all! New-ish to chicken disease and am needing to nip it in the bud asap! We have a mixed flock of: Orpington, silkie, reds, leghorn, rock, ameracana, couple of mystery breeds, and turkeys plus peacock. Our silkie rooster has developed a sad crow and was sneezing and had nose discharge...
  14. D

    Learning to raise turkey

    Bought a domestic white turkey. He is like a dog! Follows me everywhere. Always wants attention. Yesterday, I knelt down and he crawled under me and wanted me to pet him. He seems to like being touched. This brings my question. HE STINKS! Am I missing something! I am thinking I need to...
  15. rooney85

    Tom without a beard?

    Hey all! I’ve had chickens forever but just got my first turkeys in August, I think they were about 8-10 weeks old but the lady didn’t tell me. We thought both were female even though one was constantly strutting (especially at my cats haha) and now we’re pretty sure he’s a he as he is strutting...
  16. Bolfreak

    Mixed flock shared nest

    Trying to make the long story a shorter one…I have a mixed flock of heritage turkeys, various ages and geese and ducks that are the same age. 8 month old turkey hen started laying about 2 months ago, but as of about a month has been laying inside the duck nest. Two Cayuga ducks lay in there, one...
  17. Kel60

    First Egg in november?

    So my girl sweepea who hatched out around February just laid her first egg, in November for some inexplicable reason. I know sometimes out of season things can be a sign of problems should I be concerned? Or is she just being weird? Shes a bronze breasted turkey as far as I know. one thing...
  18. The duck father_

    Turkey poults nails and beaks falling off

    I have nine turkey poults and I've noticed their toe nails and beaks are falling off. They weren't clipped as babies and they're broad breasted. Wondering what this is. They seem perfectly healthy otherwise
  19. L

    4 month old bourbon red has drooping wings

    Hello! One of my 3 month old bourbon reds is walking around with his wings hanging. He’s eating, drinking, and moving normally but his wings haven’t come up. I don’t notice any unusual droppings in their run or any other visible symptoms. Any thoughts?
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