10X10 coop, how many chickens does that comfortably hold?


12 Years
Jan 1, 2008
Im building a new coop closer to the house. Trying to decide if I build ramps and perches, how many chickens can I fit in a 10X10 chicken coop?
22 to 25 fairly easy.
If I recall you can keep bantams in 1 square foot per bird in the coop as long as they are going outside too. I think it is 10 square feet per bird outside but I am going on memory so that may not be right. I would say that it is double that for average chickens. I prefer to give mine as much space as I can though if available.
Thanks, Mine free rage.................go in at night. No real threat of preditors during the day only at night. I have another coop that has an inside insulated area that is about 12X12 and two 12X12 fenced with chicken wire areas that connect..(some one use ot use it as a cat house lol, but its perfect for chickens!)

The horses and cows and dogs keep any real threats away during the day.
Well, we re-homed a roo, and two hens last Thursday.

Tomorrow I get a roo and pullet juvies from Pips & Peeps.. BLUE AMERAUCANAS!!!!

We are only getting 10 or 11 eggs a day and that's not enough from 22 hens (and I only have an 8 X 12 coop)... so, until I get some more little breeding pens built, I'm going to have to figure out which hens are not laying and I'm going to teach the 12 and 14 year old how to process dual purpose birds.

PLUS, I get a bator in the mail on Wednesday and shortly thereafter I'l be getting more Blue Wheaten Ameraucana eggs as well as Cuckoo Marans and Salmon Faverolles. So... I'll have to either re-home some roos or raise them to 4 months and pic which ones I want as breeders.

Hello, my name is Mahonri and I am a chickenaholic.

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