
and if you were ripped off for close to $500, how would you reply? Nothing overboard, I just provided the facts of my experience. I only wish someone had posted something similar to warn me before I made the purchase.
What I meant, is that you looked for a solution that was way to high tech. I am fairly certain there are products that cost way less, promise way less but simply open and close the door at the right time. Lots of folks here have auto doors for coops. Check them out.
..Sorry, my apologies for misinterpreting the context of your post.....

I travel quite frequently, the app was a way of verifying the status of the door. Yes, perhaps a bit over the top, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. I have since installed a low tech door as a replacement, and not surprisingly the simple device has yet to fail!
Oh I see. My bad, I missed the part of being able to check on the door status. It is a great idea. The thing is, as you no doubt know now, is that a reliable door is better. (you don't have to check on your phone, you just know it worked fine) Glad you got sorted out with a good system.

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