2024 New Year's Resolution?

Do you have a resolution>

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I'm diabetic and am still expected to fast. Maybe it's not necessary for the A1c, but I'm pretty sure it is to get an accurate read on cholesterol, in which mine is high, and maybe for iron, potassium, thyroid and a few other things I have to keep an eye on. I accidentally didn't fast before my last check-up and he told me to come in another day, fasting, and get labs drawn.



If you have diabetes and are taking meds to control your blood glucose level, and are fasting for your blood draw, you run the chance of getting your blood glucose too low.

Where I get my blood draws they have a warning sign up telling people that they don't need to fast if they are diabetic and also telling them to take their normal meds.

I am diabetic and I do fast before the blood draw but I do not take the meds because the ones I take get taken with food.



If you have diabetes and are taking meds to control your blood glucose level, and are fasting for your blood draw, you run the chance of getting your blood glucose too low.

Where I get my blood draws they have a warning sign up telling people that they don't need to fast if they are diabetic and also telling them to take their normal meds.

I am diabetic and I do fast before the blood draw but I do not take the meds because the ones I take get taken with food.
The only Rx I take is Metformin with breakfast. Very seldom is my fasting bs over 120.
Two months in averaging 11,392 steps/day.
I went to the gym yesterday.
My resolutions were to:
1. Read the Bible all the way through
2. Run 300 miles throughout the year
3. Practice learning Norwegian every day.

So far, I'm up to date on my Bible reading schedule, have run 89 miles, and missed practicing Norwegian twice. I'd call all of those a win!

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