5-week old chicks... ok to move into coop yet?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Aug 6, 2008
Flagstaff, AZ
I've got two five-week old chicks who are getting a little big for their brooder. I'm wondering if they are ready to go into the coop.

We live in Flagstaff, AZ, at ~7000 ft. The temperature right now has been ranging from mid-70's during the day down to mid-40's at night. We have a big coop with attached hen house. The hen house is a sturdy, insulated shed. It's usually warmer in there than it is outside, but I haven't gone in at night to see if that's always the case.

In the brooder, I've been stepping down the temperature ~5 degrees per week as I've seen mentioned on this forum. They started under a 250-watt brooder lamp, then switched to a 100-watt regular house bulb, and now they're under a 75-watt bulb. It's about 80 degrees in there during the day, maybe 75 at night since the brooder is inside. They don't sleep right under the light, but they don't sleep far away from it, either.

I'm worried that if I put them into the coop they'll get too cold. Although they have most of their feathers (still a little fluffy on the tops of their heads and under their wings), there's only 2 of them, so I'm not sure how warm they'll be with only the two of them to huddle. Should I put them out there with the lamp? What do you think?

They love being outside, so I'm eager to get them out there!
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I think they would do fine. You could always put a heat lamp out there with them. If they need it they will use it.

They'll be the only ones out there right? No older hens?
Then i say go ahead and do it. As long as the coop is secure and they have a heat lamp if they need it they should be fine.

When i first put mine out i kept them in the brooder for a couple of days.....It was just a big cardboard box with the heat lamp over it. Then took them out of the box but kept the heat lamp hanging in a corner.

Congrats on your first little chicks. Mine are now about 21 weeks and i have three that are laying now!!!!
Hi there, I'm over in Prescott Valley. My chicks are 5 wks old and been outside for about 5 days in coop w/o lamp and they are doing fine. But as you probably know it is a little warmer over here and I have 21 chicks in coop at night to keep each other warm. I would maybe use a lamp for a while at night.
i kicked mine out last week and leave the heat lamp on in the (mostly) insulated coop at night. they're four weeks old and doing fine out there. of coursel, my climate is probably slightly different to yours, but probably in your favour.
Mine went out last night their 3 weeks old. I also had a 75 watt light on for them but I did checked in on them around 2 am they were far away from the light so I shut it off. It was 67 degrees out here last night they are all happy and doing great.
I put mine out at two weeks with a heat lamp at night and they do fine. I don't mind brooding one or two inside for a while, but two weeks (especially if I have several) is really my limit for the stink and mess. I'm just praying we get this coop finished before my chicks reach a week old (they arrive in nine days) so I can move them out there to brood--even if I have to box them into a corner a little longer.
I think if I had had more than 3 at a time, they would have gone outside much sooner. The second and third time I bought chicks, I think they were outside at 3 or 4 weeks but I'm not sure.

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