6-7 yr-old Australorp w/messy white droppings, poor balance, swollen toes


Apr 29, 2024

This is Raven, my Australorp. She’s had messy white droppings for a long time; more than a year. Her bottom and breath have a slightly sweet smell.
Here is a link to the thread I started about my sneezing Orpington in case there’s a connection.

Recently I’ve noticed that her balance isn’t great; she kind of tipped over a few times while tipping her head back to drink, and she fell over a couple times on a steep section in the pen. That was several weeks ago, and she hasn’t done it since. Her toes are a little swollen too; I am wondering if she has arthritis:

She still gets around pretty well; she refuses to use the chicken ramp, but instead launches herself out the door. She waddles when she walks. Her abdomen doesn’t feel tight or baggy.
Icky dirty bottom:

Her face seemed a tad swollen to me the other day:

What she usually looks like(she is a little more alert here as well):

Any ideas?
She’s had messy white droppings for a long time; more than a year. Her bottom and breath have a slightly sweet smell.

he kind of tipped over a few times while tipping her head back to drink, and she fell over a couple times on a steep section in the pen. That was several weeks ago, and she hasn’t done it since.
Photos of the bottom of her foot?

The breath and bottom having a slightly sweet smell, I'd treat as Vent Gleet. Since it's been ongoing for a while, I would use Nystatin as mentioned in the article below.

For the eye, clean and flush with saline, remove any pus or debris. Apply an eye ointment in the eye. Do this at least once daily.

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