A chicken with a broken wing


Nov 9, 2015
How should I handle my chicken that has a broken wing? What equipment should be used? Can someone help me please
HI and Welcome to BYC.

So sorry about your chicken.

Here's the link to the emergencies forums: https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/10/emergencies-diseases-injuries-and-cures

But, according to my references all you can do is place the wing in a natural wing position and wrap it against the chicken's body with vet wrap or gauge. It will take 2 weeks to heal. It may heal at an angle but for a backyard chicken they will do ok with that. And be sure to place the chicken in your "hospital" until it heals. Once recovered, be careful and patient to reintegrate the chicken back to the flock.

Hope this helps and wish her a speedy recovery.
HI and Welcome to BYC.

So sorry about your chicken.

Here's the link to the emergencies forums: https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/10/emergencies-diseases-injuries-and-cures

But, according to my references all you can do is place the wing in a natural wing position and wrap it against the chicken's body with vet wrap or gauge. It will take 2 weeks to heal. It may heal at an angle but for a backyard chicken they will do ok with that. And be sure to place the chicken in your "hospital" until it heals. Once recovered, be careful and patient to reintegrate the chicken back to the flock.

Hope this helps and wish her a speedy recovery.

This sounds like good advice and is very similar to what I had to do when I had a hen break her leg.

And by the way, welcome to the BYC flock! We are glad you joined us!

Thank you for the advice written here. A fox killed 5 of my son's chickens yesterday and left 3 with broken wings. He is is going to tape the wings back in place. Hopefully they will survive. The same fox killed 6 or his neighbor"s chickens the day before.
The fox will be shot as soon as it shows up again.

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