Accidentally opened my incubator lid during hatching..


In the Brooder
6 Years
Nov 25, 2013
As the title says, this morning in my usual fog I went to fill the water reservoir as I do every day, but after I had opened the lid, only for a few seconds, I noticed eggshell fragments on the bottom of the incubator. I had read somewhere prior to not open the lid to take pictures or anything, as the humidity escaping may cause the membrane to shrink and cause problems with hatching. Turns out 3 of the eggs have started hatching, with a small hole in each. Again it was only for a few short seconds until I noticed the shells were cracked. Will they be okay or is it more likely they are goners? :(
Do you know what the humidity is/was? As long as the humidity went right back up, they will probably be fine. You might want to keep an eye on the three that are/were pipped and re-read the BYC article on assisted hatching in case they get shrink wrapped. But, a lot of people take hatched chicks out of the incubator once or twice a day while others are still in the shell and as long as the humidity stays OK it usually doesn't cause problems.
They should be fine. Adding warm water helps the humidity climb right back up too if need be. But one time shouldn't dry them out. I'd leave them be for now though. Good luck with your hatch
Thanks both of you for your reassurance! Seems like they are going to be fine. 2 of the 3 that had pipped this morning when I opened it have already hatched completely, and the third is starting to zip now. The other 3 in the bator have pipped successfully, too. Fingers crossed, we might have 100% hatch rate. Awesome first time experience, despite the initial worry! I've been on the edge of my seat all day :)
I have homemade incubator and dry hatch. but eggs are not that fragile. it is just good to stay out and let them do their thing. I have had more troubles with too much moisture in egg shells rather than not enough. and I think "shrinkwrapped" eggs are either eggs that stopped developing, or were too moist.
Hello ,

I would not worry too much as last last incubation was my very first incubation and I had 9 eggs in incubator but on day 20 some of them started to make an external pip and then i realised that they were miss positioned (external pip from the wrong end). out of 9 ,6 were miss positioned so i had to help them hatch in which i opened my incubator 1000 times but my all have hatched and they are now 3 months .
I live in UK and the humidity in UK is hight any way so that could be an advantage .

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