Another fake farmer

A brief description of what the video was about was a man demonstrating how he trains his guard geese to “sit,” and “come here” which was terrorizing them chasing them around and around yelling at them until they were either cornered, got caught on something, or collapsed from exhaustion at which point the man then pins them to the ground.
At several times his geese had caught their legs or wings on brush or other debris and appeared to be injured or injuring themselves in the panic of trying to flee the man running them down.
It says unable to watch, video is private
They changed the viewers setting to private so no one else could comment on their post.
Funnily enough there were a lot of other people telling him that he was mistreating his geese but he argued with them that they don’t understand what they’re talking about because they don’t raise geese. I probably shouldn’t have said anything but when I saw that I couldn’t help but comment that I raise geese and that what he’s doing isn’t training, it’s abuse.
He changed the viewers settings after that fortunately or unfortunatly depending on the way you want to look at it.

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