any ideas? problem with nipple waterers


Free Ranging
Jan 29, 2021
ok. So my flock has been raised on nipple waterers. It is the first thing I use when I get them or hatch them. So they ALL know how to use them. I do use cups as well as the nipples in the summer so they will drink more when it is hot out.

This winter I changed to a 30 gallon barrel (think it is 30 gal) with a stock tank heater in it. I had a 5 gal bucket but with 21 chickens I figured they would be going through it pretty fast. They weren't using the new 5 gal much so figured where it was a different brand of nipples maybe they didn't work well so when I made the 30 gal one I bought rentacoop ones since that is what they use in their 2 gal bucket, and what I had on their old 5 gal one (that one needed to be replaced in the summer). Well they aren't really drinking out of the 30 gal one either and when I am in there and tap the metal piece they all drink from under it like they are dying of thirst. I fill up the 2 gal one and they go NUTS drinking out of that one (has the EXACT same nipples on it as the 30 gal)......... But with 21 they can go through the 2 gal in 1-1.5 days so I don't want to have to always be filling it and worrying about the stock tank heater being out of it since it is so little. and we normally are dealing with freezing water at this time of year (thankfully haven't really had to besides a week here and there) so I have to think of that.

Any ideas WHY they seem like they can't figure out the bigger barrel with the nipples but drink with zero issues out of the 2 gal rentacoop water bucket??? It makes NO sense to me. I have tried letting the other one dry up to force them to use the bigger one but then they all seem so thirsty so I fill the small one and as I said they all go NUTS and drink like crazy from it so thinking they aren't really using the other one. I have I think 10 nipples and spaced further apart on the big one than on the little one so not like too close together or not enough nipples or anything like that...... I just don't get it.
Im following along, i cant even get mine to drink out of the nipple waterers
mine have never had an issue with it. and use the 2 gal one just fine...... (I tap the metal piece and get them to try it that way normally). They are just being dumb with the big one!

I start mine on the vertical nipples when I get them then swap them over and have never had a problem. I just don't get what their issue is now. LOL
Is there a tight lid on the new waterers?
One time Their waterer wasn't working correctly and it turns out my lid was too tight and it didn't really let water flow out easily.
no tight lid. It is a trash barrel and the lid is loose but also has a hole in the top for the plug for the heater in it so no problem with water flow. I have checked all the nipples and they are working just as easy as the other one.
That is just bizarre .
The only thing I can think of is that the water in the big waterer has funny tasting water.
isn't it bizarre?????? They will drink the drips if I try to "show" (get them to use) the nipples and have no problems doing that but just drink the drips that come off and don't try to get it themselves...... It has completely baffled me! I thought I had it figured out with the different brand of nipples being the problem but nope wasn't that either. LOL
isn't it bizarre?????? They will drink the drips if I try to "show" (get them to use) the nipples and have no problems doing that but just drink the drips that come off and don't try to get it themselves...... It has completely baffled me! I thought I had it figured out with the different brand of nipples being the problem but nope wasn't that either. LOL
You probably just have picky birds .
mine have never had an issue with it. and use the 2 gal one just fine...... (I tap the metal piece and get them to try it that way normally). They are just being dumb with the big one!

I start mine on the vertical nipples when I get them then swap them over and have never had a problem. I just don't get what their issue is now. LOL
I tried verticle and they wouldnt drink out of them then i tried the heated waterer and the same thing.

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