Anyone Heard Foxes Screaming Around Their Home?


12 Years
Apr 9, 2007
Willits, CA Gateway to the Redwoods
We had a young fox trapped and dispatched last month. Now I'm hearing what I'm almost sure is another one screaming in the distance. It's very loud, sounds like a cross between a bark and a meow.

Claiming territory? Ugh. more trapping.
Foxes are very vocal, and not only during the mating season. Google video of fox barking, and you'll find some nice footage. If you killed a juvenile, you might be hearing its parent calling for it. If the one you killed was old enough to breed, you might be hearing its young calling for it.
Last week I was sittng on the side steps drinkng my coffee at about 9;30am. My hens started squaking and flying to the end of their run banging into the fencing. I got up so I could see wh they were all scurring down the end of the run. What I saw was a fox by their coops. I tossed a rock towards him and he ran out the other side of my yard over a 4 foot fence. I might mention my coops are only about 50 feet away from where I was sitting. I now only let my girls out to free range when I am out side . I knew there were foxes in the area as we are so close tothe forest, I just never thought they would be in the neighborhood at 9:30 in the morning. I went to the site mentioned above and now realize the "strange sounds" I have heard are really foxes.
A fox is a 24 hr a day threat. Both of my fox attacks happened in the afternoon. My coop is like FortKnox, so the birds have nothing to fear at night. I could not let the birds freerange unless I was out there with them. I ended up buying and installing a 100X100' electrified poultry net run/enclosure. No problems after that.
Thanks everyone for info. It did sound kinda cat-like. And it did sound hormonally induced! The noise has ceased since last week so maybe there's a bobcat out there mating somewhere.

Fox or bobcat, I'm continuing to free range but keeping them close by restricting the hours (as in less of them!).
oh my gosh. Banshee Bobcats, Ferocious Foxes, Occult Opossums, Cujo Coyotes?

...I keep complaining that we live in the city (big back yard for chickens though). I am upset that we can't move to the country where I could have TONS of chickens. After reading all the threads here about predators (including this one) I have to say maybe I'm not so upset about it after all!

I hope whatever it is doesn't attack your chickens OR you for that matter. Maybe you will be blessed and someone will smack it with a tire.

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