Are " Mosquito Dunks " Safe For My Ducks' Pool/drinking Water??


8 Years
May 21, 2011
Champion, Michigan
Hello Friends,

I have a HORRIBLE problem with Mosquitoes in my ducks' and their chickens' coop!

I live on a lake and in the woods.

Right now Im using the " Timed release " Country Vet , Mosquito spray that is EXCELLENT , however, their coop is Still infested with them.

They have a kiddie pool that I clean out daily, but since its standing water, the Larvae seem to hatch overnight .

I came across these " MOSQUITO DUNKS " that claim they can float in such things as barrels, tires with standing water, Unoccupied Swimming Pools, and ANIMAL WATERING TROUGHS.

The package says it is ORGANIC.

I STILL am not too sure about floating one in the duck's pool where they also drink from, so I wanted to ask if ANYONE has ever used these before and did it work and everything turn out OK???

ANY information will be GREATLY appreciated because I want to keep my babies HAPPY BUT SAFE.

Thanks all,

Im honestly not sure if that'd be safe or not ..I have a snap up kiddie pool for our ducks and we put gold fish in it
they eat the larvae and the ducks like to chase them We do the same thing for our horses water trough
By changing the water daily, you are already killing the mosquitos in the pool by interupting their cycle as it truly takes about 72 hours for larvea to develop. I would be cautious about treating the drinking water because the concentration of the tablet in the water, the volume of water birds drink and them being so small. If you are still concerned about the duck's water add a small amount (couple drops) of cooking oil to the water that the birds get. This only works on one type of mosquito (the top feeder mosquito larvea) by blocking off the oxygen and has little risk to birds. PS: it will also kill plant life but in a water fount or pan should be fine.

To truly fight your mosquitos, you need to know what type you have. Catch and kill one with a tissue, look at it and compare it to photos on the internet. This will tell you the breed you are fighting, their life cycle and what they need to survive.

Another idea is a propane mosquito killer but the need to run about a month before you see a difference but you need to follow the instructions and relocate the unit around the area to sucessfully kill the resident females and break their cycle.
I have used the squito dunks without any problems, they are great!! I don't think they will harm anything but mosquitos. I have tried the goldfish in the tanks but here where I am, we have city water and it kills the fish in 2-3 days, I think the chlorine content is just too strong. Our water table is very close to the surface here, we live close to a swamp, so we have to use the city water, no wells at all! But as bryan mentioned, by emptying the pool every day or 2, you will not have any squitos hatching there, look around for other sources of standing water, I totally overlooked an obvious source here, as we have an old, placed stone well on the property that has a cover on it, but the mosquitos still can get in and breed there, so since I have been treating this with the dunks, our population has been much more tolerable!

ladychicken&Ducklover :

Hello Friends,

I have a HORRIBLE problem with Mosquitoes in my ducks' and their chickens' coop!

I live on a lake and in the woods.

Right now Im using the " Timed release " Country Vet , Mosquito spray that is EXCELLENT , however, their coop is Still infested with them.

They have a kiddie pool that I clean out daily, but since its standing water, the Larvae seem to hatch overnight .

I came across these " MOSQUITO DUNKS " that claim they can float in such things as barrels, tires with standing water, Unoccupied Swimming Pools, and ANIMAL WATERING TROUGHS.

The package says it is ORGANIC.

I STILL am not too sure about floating one in the duck's pool where they also drink from, so I wanted to ask if ANYONE has ever used these before and did it work and everything turn out OK???

ANY information will be GREATLY appreciated because I want to keep my babies HAPPY BUT SAFE.

Thanks all,


They are FINE, and are recommended by my vet. I use them in my geese & ducks' wading pool when we have mosquito problems.​

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