Are Wyandottes slow to mature?

Thats not uncommon, they are very slow to mature if you are talking about a standard wyandotte. I dont think I have had very many that layed until they were 8-9 months old, plus the weather has been very hot and dry in our area (Kentucky). She will lay when she is ready..
The feed store has the cutest baby W's right now.... I was wonderin' .... but I really want a nice breed that will tolerate the heat here.
He told me they were not nice with kids... Is that true??
I've had two (I only have one now...she's a pullet)...Mine is a BLRW. She is beautiful....but she's kind of flighty and more withdrawn than my other birds...I wouldn't say she is "bad" with my toddler...she just avoids him. LOL She's certainly not mean or "wild".

I have two other friends with birds from the same stock who feel their birds have similar personalities...I suppose it could be the stock...

They are pretty though. I plan to get more some day.
Oh my...I have BLRW's and they are, hands down, my cuddliest chickens. My kids carry them all over the place. They are about 4 months old now and as big as some of my adult chickens.
I'd have to vote for my BLRWs and Blue Wyandottes being some of my friendliest chickens. I have 3 SLWs which aren't quite as tame, but they aren't flighty or wild.
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