Baby chick sleeps falls asleep ALL the time?


5 Years
Apr 28, 2014
I've had five chicks for five days now and they are nine days old at this point. I've noticed all week that one of them has a habit of falling asleep standing up or going to sleep while the other four are loud and running around in the brooder. I've spoke with the lady at the store where I got the chicks and she said it was normal and her suggestion was just to make sure she has enough water and to maybe add some sugar. I do make sure the chicks have water and clean out the waterer about 2-3 times a day when it is messy. I do notice though that the water level of the waterer doesn't really go down much from the morning when I check in the afternoon so I'm not entirely sure how much water all the chicks are drinking or how much they actually should be drinking. There is also always plenty of food and heat. I don't know what else to do or if I should just let her be a sleepy chick all the time. Thanks for any words of advice.
Check for pasty butt.

Check consistancy / color of poo. (Research signs of Coccidiosis)

Have you actually seen the sleepy-chick drink? If not, maybe show her where the water is by gently dipping her beak in.
Check for pasty butt.

Check consistancy / color of poo. (Research signs of Coccidiosis)

Have you actually seen the sleepy-chick drink? If not, maybe show her where the water is by gently dipping her beak in.
Her vent is super clean, no signs of any pasty butt since I've had her. I have seen her drink sometimes, but obviously not as much as the others, and I have dipped her beak into the water dish on several occasions. As for coccidiosis, I have not seen any signs of bloody or abnormal poop.
Well; you should give sugar or glucose in fresh water to the chicks and check the temperature. Because temperature changes prove fatal. And for the sick chick mix sulprim tablet (sulpha group) in water and add vidaylin drops to the water for atleast 5 days.

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