Balding duckling

They are adorable. I'd look into getting them into a larger brooder they grow so fast and they need a lot of room to run around and get those legs strong.
They also need a different container for dunking their heads. something like what chicken really posted or here is another one . It's very important they dunk their heads to keep their nares and eyes clean. Are you supplementing any type of niacin? I used a liquid B complex and also added Nutritional yeast to their feed. NY is 1 Tab per cup of feed. Please don't think I am criticizing you just trying to give pointers from what I have learned with keeping ducklings. Temps in brooder can go down 5* every week to and once it's at same in brooder as what your house is no need for heat in your brooder. Also yellow ducklings show loss of down a lot easier than darker colored and they do begin to lose down and can look funny. It also makes them itch. I am talking to you like these are your first ducklings if they aren't then forgive me you probably already know all of this. What are all the breeds you have there?
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The brooder size is 4 feet by 3 feet. I'm using a b complex. They have a separate pool that they swim in each day (not in the picture), they do have another container for dunking their heads, it was being washed and refilled when I took the picture. Thank you for all your help! How much bigger should the brooder be?
I can't believe I don't have a better picture and one that really shows the cardboard but this is a folding dog pen fence I got at Walmart for about $35 which you really don't need. In the 2nd picture the ducks are too big to fit through the holes in the fencing but before that,
I just slipped big pieces of cardboard that I got at Sam's club between the pool and the fence so they couldn't get out. The cardboard pieces that are on the pallets between layers of product work great. If you don't have a dog fence you can just put something heavy behind the cardboard to support it.
We have 2 jumbo pekin and 3 Roeuns already. That's moms and dads to these guys. We have a very large home outside for them, divided into two areas until we can introduce everyone. There is a pond in each (shallow in one side for the smaller ones). Each side has shelter and outdoor spaces. Heated areas in each. Full protection from predators. We hatched these little guys, but this was the only time we are planning on hatching. I'm not one hundred percent on the parents of three of them, but two are definitely looking like pekin and 3 like rouen. The 3 others are different color patterns, so not too sure.

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