Bantam Cochin rooster?


◊The Spontaneous Pullet!◊
15 Years
Aug 19, 2008
What are the characteristics of a Cochin Bantam rooster? Are they friendlier than most roosters?
If you own a Cochin Bantam rooster, do you recommend owning one?
We are thinking of getting a 2 month old Cochin Bantam rooster from someone and I just want to see how you guys would rate them.


P.S. how do you think he will get along with Pumpkin, our Buff Cochin Bantam pullet?(we are getting the rooster for her, because the 2 roosters that we have right now are too big for her)
we have some white bantam cochins. they are a pretty calm bird. their chicks even seem kinda tame. we have one roo that likes to attack your hand when u put it in the pen. but alot of roosters can b that way.
Not to be snarky, but didn't you post pretty much the same thing earlier today? Except you had a link to a $6.00 rooster? Did that fall through?
Yes, but I posted that to see if it was a good price for a Cochin Bantam rooster. This thread is for finding out the characteristics of a Bantam Cochin rooster, so we know that they aren't really aggressive or bossy, etc.
I have a bantam Cochin Rooster and he is a little snuggle bunny. Calm and devoted to his new family. I love him to pieces. I have had good Silkie roosters too but this guy is just very special.
Yes, but I posted that to see if it was a good price for a Cochin Bantam rooster. This thread is for finding out the characteristics of a Bantam Cochin rooster, so we know that they aren't really aggressive or bossy, etc.

I thought the $6.00 was a good deal. I really wasn't intending to be snarky. I love my bantam cochins- but any roo is going to a little bit bossy and protective. At 8 weeks, you have a good chance of gentling him some, but he does have to do his job. They are calm and nice compared to most roos.
I've had quite a few young cochin cockerels. 50/50 about bossyness with other cockerels. Very very sweet and laid back in general. Loved to be cuddled- even the bossy ones. I was able to keep all the"boys" and girls together without too much fuss though. They did establish a pecking order fairly early on. Depends on the individual chicken I would say.

LOL I can imagine someone running away from a tiny little fluff ball rooster!
(although most aren't that aggressive). One time our RIR rooster, Marty, was free ranging with his girls near the coop, and my sister and I were walking just a little too he charged after us and we ran screaming our heads off because Marty is a BIG rooster!
He chased aus all the way to the lawn!

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