Best age to get chicks? Local farm "grow-out" option


8 Years
Dec 25, 2011
Virginia (Zone 7)
Hey everyone! I've been gone for a while - I had a flock of 13 a few years ago, some of which I got as started pullets, some were week-old chicks from a local farm's broody hen, some I hatched from eggs, and some were adults when I got them. The ones that I raised from chicks were by far the friendliest. Then I had a rough pregnancy, and I gave my entire flock to a local horse breeder who wanted laying hens. Now I am moving and getting ready to start again with a fresh flock in 6 weeks. I also have a 2 year old who I would like to get to see the chicks.

I have had a number of different breeds in the past, but my favorites were my Marans, buff orps, and EEs, so that is what I am planning on raising this time around, with a goal for a total flock of 6. I love the rainbow egg basket, and I'm not a fan of the more skittish breeds (like leghorns).

I am trying to decide the best way to re-start my flock. Here are the options that I see:

1. A local chicken breeder is doing a "hatchery grow-out" where she will order chicks from Meyer (6.5 hour drive from us) and raise them for me to 6-8weeks. When I move and get my new coop built in 6 weeks, I can pick them up from her ready to go outside, and have eggs 6 weeks sooner.

2. Get chicks locally in 6 weeks and start them inside in the brooder. Sexed would be better, but I can get straight run in a pinch and just dispose of any roosters appropriately. That being said, I don't want my new neighbors to be subjected to any crowing.

3. Get sexed chicks from a hatchery, order now to arrive in 6 weeks or so, and start in the brooder.

The costs look pretty equivalent, but I have never had hatchery hens before.

I also would like my 2-year-old to get some experience with chicks growing up, but I'm not sure if she's really too young to benefit from the experience this time around. We are limited to 6 hens and no roos in my area, so I won't be breeding this time around. We are also moving again in 4 years, so I will likely be starting my flock from scratch again at that time.

So, what would you do?

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