Best Breed for Novice- Massachusetts


May 19, 2024
Best Breed for Novice- Massachusetts, looking for info. We’re on almost 1 acre, lots of room but also lots of predators:fox, fishercats, coyotes, mice. Eventually will need to see picks on good security practices. But for now interested in breed that lays and is fun. Oh lastly, can I not feed them corn, soy or wheat? I think the their type of breed will require one of them but could I wean it out of their diet later on?
Welcome to BYC. Barred Rocks would be a good choice for you. You will need to build a coop and pen like Fort Knox to protect your birds like I've done. We have lots of predators including snakes, hawks, bobcats and rats.
It would be best to feed chicks "Chick Starter" feed, then at 18-20 weeks old switch them to "Layer" feed. Your local feed store will have the proper feed for your birds.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.

The best thing for ground predator protection is electric fencing. I keep mine on 1/3 acre enclosed with poultry netting powered by a 10,000 volt charger. They've been safe in there for nearly 6 years with no ground predator losses.
Good breeds for your climate would be Wyandottes of any color, Easter Eggers (not really a breed but lovely just the same) or Chanteclers.
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Welcome to BYC. If you are just looking for one breed, consider easter eggers. You'll get a variety of egg colors and friendly chickens. If you are looking for more variety and definitely do not want a rooster, welsummers (dark reddish eggs) and crested cream legbars (blue eggs) are both easily seeds at the hatchery, and are very friendly.
As for housing, stay away from cheep prefab coops and chicken wire.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

So glad you decided to join us. I am a huge fan of Black Australorps. They are hardy, healthy, docile and friendly, great layers.

Build a sturdy coop, one that nothing bigger than an ant can get into. No flimsy materials and no chicken wire. Stop by our Coop pages for some inspiration...

If you have any questions about anything along the way, be sure to ask. Make yourself at home here and welcome to our community!

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