Black Copper Marans, 12 weeks, Male or Female??? PICS

MA Mama

8 Years
Jan 21, 2012
It is about 12 weeks old. All the pics are the same bird. I am stumped, the neck feathers are kind of pointy, but the hackles are not. Also, if you look close, the black color on the neck feathers makes them look more pointy than they are - look close and you can see the actual feather is more rounded. The feathers are shiny and iridescent, but the coloration to me says pullet. HELP! THANKS!!!

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cockerel. part the feathers at the base of the tail and you should be able to see the saddles coming in also its getting its copper in on the wings as well. pullets will only have copper on their necks and no wheres else on them also the comb and wattles are to large and red for a 12 week old

if it was a pullet the comb wouldnt be that big and red nor would the wattles
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At 12 weeks the comb tells the tale, it's still early for sex feathers. I'm not 100% but I don't think the pullets get the reddish color on the wing? Doesn't it stay up on the neck and breast?

Anyway, that's a little roo.
I have 3 BCM coming up on 12 weeks in a few days

number 1:

number 2:

number 3:

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