Black East Indie duck


I don't think Metzer has them, and you would have to contact the Holderreads about getting on their waiting list for BEIs. They can be hard to find, but there were several breeders selling them at the Ohio National Poultry show this year.
dang i want some of these ducks i already have mallard and muscovy and i am getting call ducks and pekin and i am also getting runners this year i think i have found a breed i want to put on my list
My daughter Terri and her SO are bird fanatics. It started when she rescued a rock dove, which she promptly named "Nappy" (short for Napoleon). Then a second one came along. No cages - they live in the house. Then came the Black East Indies - and those ducks live in the lap of luxury. They, too, live in the house. Yup, you read that right. And not in the basement the main house with them. They crate up and she takes them downstairs to sleep, but they spend all of their waking hours with Terri. Chester and Emma started it all - then Emma hatched out 12 ducklings last year. Clark built them a condo in the living room, and although in the beginning they used it, now they just wander. This week Emma and Chester became the proud parents of 10 more, and you guessed it! I've never seen anything like it. She has several plastic dog carriers and when she claps her hands the ducks split up and go into their assigned crates to wait. When they're all inside, she closes the doors and takes them outside for a stretch, a swim, and some run time. Then she repeats the process and inside they go. They sit on Clark's chair while he hand feeds them mealworms, they have their own toys, and they are sleek, healthy, and so affectionate. She has one wire dog crate that Emma nests in. But this new batch will live outside when the weather warms up - a bit nippy in Eastern South Dakota right now. LOL I'm going to try to post a picture or two - never done it before but if I don't I know nobody's going to believe me!

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We bought Black East Indies drake & duck at the NE Poultry Congress, and have kept them separated from our other birds for over month now. Last Sat we started getting one egg every other day. We haven't witness any mating activity, but we aren't watching them 24/7 either. We're going to put some of these eggs in an incubator this coming week.
The guy we got these ducks from told us he usually lets the Ducks do all the hatching, anyone here have good luck using an incubator to hatch Black East Indies?


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