blood in baby chicks stool

First make sure it is blood and not intestinal lining. Blood will be very dark red, almost black, and is usually coating the entire stool; intestinal lining will usually be only on part of the poop and will be a light pinkish color. If it is really blood, get them on corid, a med that treats coccidiosis, ASAP. Change out the litter and make sure their feeders and waterers are staying clean. If they are on medicated feed, it is probably not cocci. If they are not on medicated feed, it is probably cocci.
What are you feeding them? Can you post a pic of their poop? (Don't worry, we've seen worse)
That's a lot of blood, if that's all the red I'm seeing. (I blew the pic up and it's a bit blurred) What exactly have you been feeding them? Medicated starter? Non-medicated starter? Anything else? Anything in their brooder they may have been nibbling on?

And apart from the bloody poops, anything else amiss? Acting different? Anything?
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First make sure it is blood and not intestinal lining. Blood will be very dark red, almost black, and is usually coating the entire stool; intestinal lining will usually be only on part of the poop and will be a light pinkish color. If it is really blood, get them on corid, a med that treats coccidiosis, ASAP. Change out the litter and make sure their feeders and waterers are staying clean. If they are on medicated feed, it is probably not cocci. If they are not on medicated feed, it is probably cocci.
In that case.... Get them on meds a.s.a.p. Good luck!
It looks like they're eating something that chickens shouldn't be eating. Not really sure what's going on in that photo but it looks like blood to me as well, just not sure what the small dark round things are, that is definitely not undigested feed, looks like some other objects.

From your photos, it looks like you have them on wire--in this case, it doesn't make much sense for it to be cocci. However, you are feeding unmedicated, so it's a possibility.

Have you fed them any treats? Have you had any deaths? sumi is right in that we need as much info as you can give.
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