Brahma heat maximum?


In the Brooder
Feb 26, 2024
Hey everyone, first time chicken owner here! I have 3 Easter eggers and 1 light Brahma pullets- all four are about 9 weeks old. I had read that brahmas are cold hardy but not heat hardy, but I figured that she should do fine here in PA. Today we had a 84 degree day after nights of 30s, and I noticed the Brahma was struggling and panting more than the EEs. She has a shady spot and plenty of water, but is there anything I should be doing for her besides that? It was the first hot day in her life, so is this just an adjustment period?
If it's suddenly hot than that might cause an increase in panting. As the weather starts to heat up chickens will lose some of their extra down they carried through winter. She will also acclimate somewhat to the warmer temperatures. I think most chickens do fine until temperatures get above 90, and struggle as they get above 100.

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