Broody Orp: How Should I Proceed?


Nov 7, 2017
South Western, AZ
My Buff Orpington went broody. She's been sitting for about a week or so and puffs her feathers, gets off infrequently and such, she doesn't peck or bite though. It is rather warm, about 90 to 100+, she's in the shade luckily. Should I let her hatch some eggs? Will the heat affect it? And she's about 8 months old.
Do you want ornhave room for more chickens? Has she been sitting on fertilized eggs for a week already? How about a plan for the males you’re likely to hatch?

If you don’t want chicks, I’d suggest putting her in a broody buster cage and breaking her.

If you want chicks, you can either put ferrilized eggs under her and let her hatch them, or make sure you have a source to get a few 1-5 day olds (the younger the better) to slip under her in a couple of weeks. You are the human so you get to decide how to manage her.
Do you want ornhave room for more chickens? Has she been sitting on fertilized eggs for a week already? How about a plan for the males you’re likely to hatch?

If you don’t want chicks, I’d suggest putting her in a broody buster cage and breaking her.

If you want chicks, you can either put ferrilized eggs under her and let her hatch them, or make sure you have a source to get a few 1-5 day olds (the younger the better) to slip under her in a couple of weeks. You are the human so you get to decide how to manage her.
I have room my coop, it can hold 10 chickens and I currently have 6. She's been sitting on the golf balls that I use to encourage nesting behavior. I was thinking of selling the extras on Craigslist or the forums and keeping two females for show this year.
I would not want a broody setting in that kind of heat.
Thanks, I was thinking that. It's not in the 100s quite yet more so the 90s but it's getting there so I figured I should decide on something instead of letting her continue fruitlessly.

Would it be alright to let her brood indoors in terms of heat? Seeing as its been a week will I have to worry about a deserter?
I saw a user on Reddit selling Ayam Cemani eggs from her birds and it's pretty tempting, not enough to set if it won't work out but it still tempting.
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I have room my coop, it can hold 10 chickens and I currently have 6. She's been sitting on the golf balls that I use to encourage nesting behavior. I was thinking of selling the extras on Craigslist or the forums and keeping two females for show this year.
Thanks, I was thinking that. It's not in the 100s quite yet more so the 90s but it's getting there so I figured I should decide on something instead of letting for continue fruitlessly.

Would it be alright to let her brood indoors? Seeing as its been a week will I have to worry about a deserter?
I saw a user on Reddit selling Ayam Cemani eggs from her birds and it's pretty tempting.
That would be fun! i Love Ayam Cemani's!
Would it be alright to let her brood indoors in terms of heat?
If you bring her in she'll have go back out eventually,
hard to acclimatize to that kind of temp change.
Plus best to have broody set within sight of the flock,
easier for her to reintegrate into the flock with her chicks.

I have read of folks letting a broody sit in hot weather,
it's a challenge but it has been done.
I always get nervous when someone says, “My coop will hold x number of chickens.” Often that means it’s a prefab coop and that’s what they are advertised as holding. Those coop manufacturers are notorious for making claims like that. Usually the coop will comfortably hold about half what they are advertised for.
I always get nervous when someone says, “My coop will hold x number of chickens.” Often that means it’s a prefab coop and that’s what they are advertised as holding. Those coop manufacturers are notorious for making claims like that. Usually the coop will comfortably hold about half what they are advertised for.
Oh, I actually built it myself but I see what you mean. I was using the 5 Sq ft rule and my coop is a little than 50 Sq ft. I definately appreciate the concern, I've seen those 15 Sq ft coops that supposedly hold 5 chickens
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