BYC Café

Set up an in room tea station! I made a coffee station in our room complete with a tiny fridge for cream. It used to be on an extended bedside table but now it’s on a shelf. That way we can avoid the teens if we don’t want to leave and parent right away 😂

I just might set me up a tea station in the bedroom.

I'm in the process of getting a refrigerator for the bedroom so he can have water, cold drinks, juices, among other things.

I would only need to have room for my heavy whipping cream.

I've got to plan this out.

Will let you know how it works out.
Good Morning Y'all! Guess what today is Thursday so it means te weekend is getting almost here.

Waiting on FH alarm to go off again so I can go wake him. it's been going off since 4:45 and all he does is hit the snooze button. I would be so wonderful if he made coffee once in awhile but he claims he doesn't know how and the coffee pot is too complicated for him to learn.
Coffee is ready.
Only two 5mm and one "small" polyp were found and removed. I'll get the pathology report in a few days. I was awake for most of it.
C took me there and back and treated me to a take out lunch from a restaurant near the house after we got home. Good kid!
Good afternoon Café, and thanks for the coffee @DobieLover :caf
This housemate of yours comes quite useful it seems.

I had to remove the Amrock as she was very sweet and willing but too confused and moved about too much in the nest leaving some of her eggs uncovered and getting cold.
Luckily, I have another broody that is experienced and took over...
We went to a bee club meeting last night. I had a question about weeds in my garden that are either in bloom or about to bloom. Do the honey bees like these, and should I leave them, or get them out of the garden, since they're spreading everywhere in our (too) warm spring? Unfortunately, the person who could have answered had already left (early), so by the time we got to the "questions?" part at the end, he was gone.

I've been looking online, but I'd really prefer hearing from someone who lives in my area and has the same weeds.

Just in case anyone here knows, here are pictures of the weeds.
This is hairy bittercress

This is chickweed, aka, mouse ear.

This is Speedwell, aka, Veronica
I hate this stuff, so prolifically invasive...tho it is kinda cool how the seeds explode all over.

Another mild day.
Supposed to rain all day tomorrow so got off my butt and hit the road to stock up on food and books.
A mystery, no Whoppers brand malted milk eggs anywhere in stores.
Easter candy stock pretty thin everywhere <shrugs>
Maybe most buy online these days?
At least the deli had fresh fried chicken to brighten my day.

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