BYC Member Interview - ChickNanny13


BYC Staff
Premium Feather Member
10 Years
Dec 12, 2013

Come say hello to @ChickNanny13! She's been a member since June 2013 and comes to us from the state of Hawaii.

1. Tell us a bit more about yourself. And is there a story behind your member name?
Animals have always been my passion, starting with dogs & cat. Alot of reading and research the old way, Encyclopedia & library. My Dad built me many cages, was delighted when I married my Hubby & told him "you take over" :lau

Someone had a chick to give away due to it being bullied. I raised it but it turned out to be a Roo which I couldn't keep, rehomed & called the person I got it from. Got 2 more, which turned out to be a pair so gave to a 4Her that needed a project. Called her again, this time she asked if I wanted to help her raise incubated chicks (she has a business). I agreed, was her "chick's nanny" for a couple of years. Hence ChickNanny13; the year I got started.

I now keep my own (4 - 6) which I used to rotate out every Summer when I did my Grandma Trip to visit the grandkids in the Mainland. Since my Hubby passed, I haven't had the desire to leave home, Grandkids are teenagers. I'm not comfortable boarding my dogs (2) and the 3 hens I have now are the best layers I've ever had & hatched out a found egg, turns out to be a Zebra Dove that I'm raising to release.

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2. Why and when did you start keeping poultry?
(See question #1)

3. Which aspects of poultry keeping do you enjoy the most?
Chick raising is ALOT of work doing it MY way but I enjoyed it, however this past year I found it labor intensive and not as enjoyable :lau

Maintenance is time consuming but I still enjoying it. My Chicken House works to my liking and the last thing Hubby built for me.

Egg collecting it FUN especially with these girls (3), I get 20 eggs per week and recently started selling to make my feed cost. I've always given away, due to the cost of feed had thought of stop raising chickens, a friend talked me into selling.

Brown is the EE/Kiko. Blue is the WTB/Marans/Ehu. Green is the WTG/Marron; a friends says it's olive, no clue
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4. Which members of your flock, past and present, stand out for you and why?
Orpingtons ... Love their "puffiness" and personality but NOT the broody part. Wynadottes are another favorite although I had 5 Blues once and when 5 took turns being broody, that was enough for me. Now I stay away from "broody" breeds, which limits me.

I now have WTG, WTB/BCM & EE (Hoover) ... WTG/Marron is the best layer so were the other WTGs I've had, just boring coloring. WTB/BCM is another good layer but think it's the BCM mix that makes her a "better" layer than the WTB of the past year. The EE is a good layer, huge egg (2.5oz) & will "rest" 1 - 2 days a week, she's the first at the feed dish and the first in my face for treats.

5. What was the funniest poultry related thing that has happened to you in your years as an owner?
Seeing a pullet "drop" an egg in mid walk, stop & look at it, continue walking.

6. Beside poultry, what other pets do you keep?
Mia - Chihuahua/Terrier, 12yr
RC - Pit/Catahoula, adopted 3yrs ago (est 1 - 2yrs) What I needed after Hubby passed
Hens - Marron WTG, Ehu WTB/BCM, Kiko EE ... all a year old
Tweety - Zebra Dove 7wks old
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7. Anything you'd like to add?
BYC & the Members that make the site ... So much knowledge and information in one place :thumbsup


For more information about the interview feature and a complete list of member interviews:
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@ChickNanny13 your interview was great. I love that dove! Good luck with a successful release!
@ChickNanny13 your interview was great. I love that dove! Good luck with a successful release!
March 7th we had a nice clear day, left Tweety's age door open as I got ready to feed the hens. It flew out, perched on the patio fence, said a few words and flew off. I clean the cage & left it out with food & water, in the event he/she returned but after a week I put the cage in storage. Weather's been fantastic, thinking may have joined that one that would come visit in the mornings. Thank you
Enjoyed your interview, including how you chose your user name.

Congrats on having your best layers and such beautiful eggs!

Your last photo -- with adorable dogs, dog beds, dog toys -- is totally relatable; my two rescue dogs also like to occupy much of my living space.

It must have felt great to watch your Tweety fly off to the good life you made possible.

Thanks for sharing your story!

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