Can a Hawk carry off a full grown hen?


8 Years
Oct 1, 2011
Thats my question. Today we heard our goats make a not normal cry and went to look. All we found was a small pile of feathers on the ground and no chicken.

So I want to know if a hawk can fly with a full grown hen in tow? I checked for tracks in case it was something else and only found what looked like the Hawks landing spot(right nest to the feathers). And there isnt a way for a critter to get the body out of the pen cause the birds dont fit through the fence(they fly over to graze)
I think that depends on what type of chicken. I doubt that a hawk could easily carry a fully grown Jersey Giant hen. On the other hand if you had a fully grown OEGB it would be quite easy for the hawk. But from what I have read here on this site the signs that you have described with the feathers but no body describes a bird of prey. So It probably was a bird of prey like a large hawk or maybe something bigger that killed your chicken. This is just a guess from all the stuff I've read on here so I might not be right but this is the only conclusion I could come up with!
Sorry about your bird by the way!
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Thx for the condolences. The bird is a standard white sex link hen(lays brown eggs) I just found that we have a large Red Tail that lives less than 1000 yards from the yard so I think chicken was easier than rabbit.
I have but for the last several years it stayed away. I guess it is now used to us. I guess its time for solution number 12.
Last year, before we ever had chickens, there was a red-tailed hawk family living in our yard, in the city. First time we've seen that. Thought it was cool. Now, not so cool and we've seen many flying around. Hope our chickens learn to run from them, we let them out of the well protected run into our backyard, but it is mostly supervised.
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Red-tails are unable carry my 4 lb game hens in the air and cannot take off ground with 2 lb pullet.

Better look harder for tracks otherwise you will be barking up wrong tree after hawks.
OK, I did some quick research and most people agree that a red-tailed hawk cannot fly away with anything over about 2-2.5 lbs. A great horned owl, tho, can sometimes fly away with something about 7-9 lbs. So, even tho the hawk can kill the chicken, she won't be able to fly away with it. A bald eagle could maybe do it. As long as the chicken didn't weigh over about 7 lbs.
I wish I had seen the bird. We have both Golden and Bald eagles here, several hawks and vultures. I know it was a bird that grabbed the hen cause there were no tracks and the feathers were in fresh mud. I will just have to keep watch

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