Can someone help sex my cream legbar chicks


7 Years
Jul 10, 2013
Sheffield UK
I know they're auto-sexing but I don't actually understand how you know the difference, could really do with someone's help who 100% understands how to sex them properly, I have a rough idea but like I said, I need to know for definite/as close as possible as I'm selling them as chicks and want to guarantee the sex for the buyers, thanks
#1 chick (my guess was pullet but not sure on head mark)



#2 chick (guess pullet)


#3 chick (guess pullet?)


#4 (guess pullet?)


#5 (guess pullet?)



#6 (guess roo)


#7 ( guess roo?)

I know they're auto-sexing but I don't actually understand how you know the difference, could really do with someone's help who 100% understands how to sex them properly, I have a rough idea but like I said, I need to know for definite/as close as possible as I'm selling them as chicks and want to guarantee the sex for the buyers, thanks
#1 chick (my guess was pullet but not sure on head mark)

#2 chick (guess pullet)

#3 chick (guess pullet?)

#4 (guess pullet?)

#5 (guess pullet?)

#6 (guess roo)

#7 ( guess roo?)

I like your photos they are very artistic....

Here is how I would sex this batch of chicks:
#1 - male
#2 - female
#3 - male
#4 - male
#5 Most likely pullet - this is a really tough one to sex
#6 male
#7 male

So I agree with your projections except for 1, 3, and 4.....

My basis is the white headspots that are pronounced and distinct on the ones I'm saying are boys - and their more diffuse body stripes.
Congratulations on your babies..

You know, now, of course, you have to post pictures again when they are a bit bigger. (and they will grow so fast!!) :O)
But I was told by the person I bought the eggs off that the more pronounced stripes are female?
Can you explain how you determine the sex by just colours and markings? Thank you, and I will do hehe x
But I was told by the person I bought the eggs off that the more pronounced stripes are female?
Can you explain how you determine the sex by just colours and markings? Thank you, and I will do hehe x
Very specific and clear chipmunk stripes are the indicator of a female chick. ---Less pronounced and a bit blurry stripes and the white head spot that is really a definite blob there is the indicator of the male. Some males as in the picture that was put here for your reference have no chipmunk stripes and some females have a tiny - fuzzy and a bit indistinct white feathering on their head...

You really will recognize it over time - and some of the chicks from your hatch - particularly little number 5 there -- are really showing down that can lead to confusion. With each passing week you will know more and more clearly what sex your chick belongs to - but I'm pretty confident I have them identified correctly.

I don't go as much by the head spots, but the distinction of the "chipmunk" markings and eye stripes. Several of my pullets from Greenfire were dark chipmunks but had a touch of a white spot on their head. Some of my hatchlings were also a lighter chipmunk pattern (looked sun bleached) but nonetheless still had distinct striping on their backs and eyes. The males, even without the white head spot have grayish down and mottled striping. I band my babies at hatch to identify the ones that were the best auto-sexing and factor that in to what I end up keeping so as not to lose that feature.
I know they're auto-sexing but I don't actually understand how you know the difference, could really do with someone's help who 100% understands how to sex them properly, I have a rough idea but like I said, I need to know for definite/as close as possible as I'm selling them as chicks and want to guarantee the sex for the buyers, thanks
#1 chick (my guess was pullet but not sure on head mark)

#2 chick (guess pullet)

#3 chick (guess pullet?)

This one above is a girl. Female eyeliner and solid defined back stripes.
Everything else looks like a boy to me. Head spot is larger and very undefined. Blurred back striping.
Thank you for the replies people, I'm going to use all of your opinions and jot them down, also my own opinions, and do it over time until I know for definite what sex is what, and go back on my notes so I know for next time. Thank you again

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