Chicken Door in Chain Link Fence Run Solution Needed


Jan 20, 2020
Southeastern PA
My Coop
My Coop
Hello there!

I'm having difficulty keeping my sheep out of my chicken run. They have gotten in a few times when the chickens are free-ranging and eaten some of the chicken food so now they are relentlessly trying to get in. My coop is a shed and it is surrounded by a chain link kennel fence run. I've tried gating off the run with the gate mounted low enough for chickens to get under but high enough the sheep can't get in. However, they just figured out how to get in. I don't know if they jumped the gate or what but somehow they got in there. I was thinking of adding a chicken sized door to the door to my run. However, if I do that, how do I ensure that when the chickens are locked in the run (when we aren't home) that predators won't get in? I'd have to figure out a way to lock that little door but also open it whenever needed. I really didn't want to cut the chain link and threaten the integrity of the entire door to make a chicken door, but I don't know what else to do. I like giving the chickens access to the run and coop when they are free-ranging but the sheep just keep getting in. I've removed the food so they can't get that, but they go in any way and make a huge mess. They knock everything over and I'm afraid they will end up breaking any eggs that are in the nesting boxes. I hope someone can give me some ideas. Thanks in advance!
I cannot visualize exactly what you are saying think I have an idea so here is what I did in my situation. Cutting the fencing about a 1/4” from the twist in the fencing kept it in tact. The metal rod you see in the last picture is pushed down to secure the chicken door cannot be pryed open more than about 2 inches by something


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Do you have space to install a electric fence setup completely surrounding your run? One or two strands of hot tape or hot wire (whatever configuration is recommended for sheep), with the lowest strand low enough to keep out sheep, but tall enough for your tallest bird to duck underneath comfortably.

Perhaps you could replace the chain link door to the run with one you build, either with 2x4s or something sturdy. Use hardware cloth on the door and build in a chicken door at the bottom (maybe like a guillotine design) that can stay up securely during the day and be locked closed at night.

One more observation: chain link is not predator proof. Even if your chickens are within the run, a raccoon can reach in, grab the closest bird, and do enough damage/stress to cause problems. Squirrels squeeze through chain link, so there goes your food. Down here we have ring-tailed cats who are skinny and small enough to get through chain link; you might have similar critters. Just sayin'!

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