Chicken neck problem isn't going away


Feb 5, 2022

This chicken is having neck problem for about a month. It starts to shake its neck and brings its head downward. It keeps it's head only on its left side.
This problem happened twice before but after I gave vit e for 2/3days it recovered completely. But this time it isn't showing any signs of improvement rather little by little it's condition is getting worse. Can any one please help me about what I should be doing?? It is 10 months old now.
How long have you been giving the E this time? I would continue that, make sure it's getting some source of selenium also, cooked egg, sunflower seeds, canned tuna, that will help with the uptake of the E. If it recovers I would continue the vitamins for about a week after. What are you feeding? Make sure feed is fresh, and balanced for chickens with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.
There are also diseases that can cause symptoms like this, Marek's is one, or this bird may have some internal issues, maybe since hatch, that are affecting absorption of nutrients. It looks pale and feathers aren't looking in very good condition. If she can't eat or drink on her own you may need to hand feed until she can.
How long have you been giving the E this time? I would continue that, make sure it's getting some source of selenium also, cooked egg, sunflower seeds, canned tuna, that will help with the uptake of the E. If it recovers I would continue the vitamins for about a week after. What are you feeding? Make sure feed is fresh, and balanced for chickens with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.
There are also diseases that can cause symptoms like this, Marek's is one, or this bird may have some internal issues, maybe since hatch, that are affecting absorption of nutrients. It looks pale and feathers aren't looking in very good condition. If she can't eat or drink on her own you may need to hand feed until she can.
I give it boiled eggs with vit E 400iu. I give it cooked rice , barley, dried fish etc . It should be balanced. It is still able to eat and drink by itself but the condition is worsening and it is becoming harder now little by little. This time I have been giving it for almost a month. But it's condition is going downwards now.
1st time happened after it got coccidiosis. This time I believe it was because of minor head injury.

Is there any hope of recovery?
Can you get a balanced chicken feed where you are? It is very difficult to provide all the nutrients they need with a homemade feed, no matter how hard you try.
Without vet care, it's hard to say if it's simply nutritional, or if there is some kind of illness going on.

Can you get a balanced chicken feed where you are? It is very difficult to provide all the nutrients they need with a homemade feed, no matter how hard you try.
Without vet care, it's hard to say if it's simply nutritional, or if there is some kind of illness going on.
There are chicken feeds here which are harmful. Vets are not available here . Even the gov helpline is unreachable.
After the head injury it started developing it again. Now it is only increasing everyday.
My rooster bit its head then this started happening
Can any one please help me about what I should be doing?? It is 10 months old now.
What is the standard feed routine including treats and supplements? How is the appetite?

Have you inspected for parasites like lice or mites?

What country are you in?

Did you ever have to treat for coccidiosis? Does the bird have flock mates?

The feathers are in awful condition.. indicating a lot of things for a 10 month old.. I can't even tell if it's a hen or rooster.. please verify which and when was the last egg if hen?

I suggest adding B complex, thiamine deficit is possibly also going on here.

I give it boiled eggs with vit E 400iu. I give it cooked rice , barley, dried fish etc . It should be balanced.
Probably need to get a discussion going to exact proportions. I'm gonna presume not in the US.

Sometimes vitamin deficits can repeat themselves for dietary, or personal absorption reasons.. But also things like Marek's can come and go as well.

Feeding eggs.. may not be AS useful if the birds are missing something in their diet.. the eggs will be missing it also. For what it's worth eggs are 34% protein and 64% fat.. by energy aka calorie content. Chicken do well around 20% protein and only about 4-5% fat.
There are chicken feeds here which are harmful.
Why or how are they harmful?

Because you say she still eating I don't question crop function.. but checking can be useful.

Appetite is good, it still loves to eat. In morning I give mixed food . Main item is barley don't know how to refer other items in English but these items are carbohydrates and protein and a little fat( I am really sorry for not describing it properly)

Didn't see any paracites or lice

I am from Bangladesh
I raise this two inside my home since these were one or two days old
Yes I had to treat it for coccidiosis, that was the first time this problem happened

It have another flockmate , which is a rooster

Feather became like this after it hurt it's wings couple of months ago .
It never laid any eggs

I started giving it vit b from today

Chicken feed here contains many harmful heavy metals like Chromium and others
Corp function is still going well.
The only problem is its neck balance which is going away little by little.
I don't know what to do anymore
My parents are telling me to put it down but I have way to much attachment at this point because I have been caring for these two since 1/2days and that is also in my own room.

Thank you very much for your precious time

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