Crowing all night


May 1, 2022
Southern Missouri
7 month old cockrell that crowed
ALL Night. Literally only took a few breaks of 30 min between. Started around 11p.. hubby jumped and run thinking he was warning about something.when kept crowing for 20 min.. he went back again making sure he didn't miss something. He went twice more getting up out of bed. At 4:30 he crowed continually so about 10 til 5 was my turn. Then 530 I was back out there..decided to just stay... as it got daylight he did a couple half crows but this time the girls got up started their sweet morning sounds. Then I let them out and went back to the house..heard him make a couple half crows.. so went to patio to observe and he wouldn't or couldn't do his normal complete crow .. it was like he would get ready to crow and only a portion of it would come out. Then we noticed he sounded "hoarse". Could he be sick? His voice maybe gnarly...but he seemed fine otherwise. Ate well then immediately dancing up to the girls. So is he sick and I don't know what to look for??? If not what would cause him to crow all night? It isn't a full moon phase..which some say may crow a couple times. It concerns me!! He has never done this before and I. Fear I am overlooking something! Thank you!
Hormones and light. Two factors that encourage crowing. And no wonder his crow is hoarse today. He wore his voice out crowing all night long.

I live in the mountains where there are no near neighbors and no outdoor lighting. If I happen to get up while it's still dark and turn on a light, even though my bathroom window is only obliquely visible to the roosters' coop window, they immediately set to crowing.

If you happened to have a light on or your neighbors had a light on last night, that would be reason enough for your rooster to crow. But he's coming into prime hormones at seven months and he's likely feeling them.

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