Cut off the end of a snake


9 Years
Apr 29, 2013
So I just cut off a solid foot of a 3-4 foot snake that was climbing under the nesting boxes just now. The bugger managed to get away in some plants. I don't want to hack up the plants to finish the job to put it out of it's misery though. I scared off that same snake a few hours ago but now it's wounded. Do snakes come back to try for a meal within hours of being wounded like that? Note: I know the ideal scenario is relocating them but what done is done.
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I would think he is off dying somewhere if you cut him in half?
Its probably in the bushes it ran to last time. I cut a foot off of it. It was 3-4 feet long so most of it is still intact. I just want to be sure it won't try for a meal again since they can stay alive for a while after being wounded like that.
With most snakes, cutting off 25% of posterior means you are also cutting off vital organs of the lower abdominal cavity.

Next time make for better attack. Rarely do I kill snakes, even poisonous ones, but when I do the animal's head is held down with a tool of some sort so kill can be clean.
I'm a snake keeper,
If you cut off that much of a snake you removed it's cloaca, so for that reason, amongst others, it'll die. Unfortunately due to their slower metabolism it may live with the injury slightly longer, and I do mean slightly, but it will surely be dead very soon.
So I just cut off a solid foot of a 3-4 foot snake that was climbing under the nesting boxes just now. The bugger managed to get away in some plants. I don't want to hack up the plants to finish the job to put it out of it's misery though. I scared off that same snake a few hours ago but now it's wounded. Do snakes come back to try for a meal within hours of being wounded like that?
I know the ideal scenario is relocating them but what done is done.

I surely doubt that relocating a 'no shoulders' is an ideal scenario.

It is looking more and more like the Federal Government employees (who are charged with protecting you the citizens) are trying to use the Burmese Python invasion of the Everglades to get job security.

I have some experience with rat snakes finding their way home in jig time.

I found a snake in the nesting boxes yesterday and it is eating eggs. The hens are not afraid of it but I am Is there anyway to keep it away short of killing it? I think it is the type that eats mice etc which I appreciate but not my eggs or chicks!
I played with snakes as a child, as a teen gave a fried a boa constrictor that grew huge it was about 3 ft long.... now a day's no way garter snakes to the chickens is a meal thankfully where we live there is nothing larger but always show a flashlight in my nest boxes to be sure :yesss:

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