Decided what I want from Ideal. Need advice.


10 Years
Jan 7, 2010
Dallas area
OK so in a few months i'm planning on getting some more chicks from ideal. I got a few silkies from them a few months ago and I was extremely satisified so I'm going to go with them again. I wanted to post my list so that everyone could give me their input on what I've selected. My list is in no way set in stone so any feedback would greatly help me in the future when I finally make an order. If you have one of the chicks that I plan on getting and are happy you got them, tell me! Same goes with if you weren't satisified at all. Also, if you have any birds that you got from Ideal and you think I would be happy with them, by all means share! Ok so here it goes...

2 Buff Orpington Pullets ( I've great things about them, sweet and good broodys)
2 Barred Cochin Pullets ( I've always wanted a cochin and i like the barred color pattern on them )
1 Black Gaint Pullet ( I always wanted to experience these massive suckers)
1 White Gaint Pullet ( Same as above, Just wanted to try a different color)
1 Golden Sex Link Pullet ( I always thought they where attractive )
1 Red Sex Link Pullet ( same as above )
3 Columbain Wyandotte Pullet ( the main reason I'm ordering )
1 Silver Laced Wyandotte Pullet ( my girlfriend loves these )

So if you think I should change my list at all, please share. I'm open to different breeds and different color patterns. Pictures always welcomed! Thanks.
Looks like a great list to me! Almost all of my chickens (many different breeds) came from Ideal and I'm happy with all of them. They are reasonably friendly and come running every time I walk outside and then follow me around. I also like variety so most of my orders look like yours...a little of this, a little of that. Do you have any Ameraucanas (Easter Eggers)? I absolutely love mine and love their blue eggs. Even from a hatchery, 3 of mine lay beautiful blue eggs and 1 lays a greenish egg.

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