Differences EE, Ameraucana, & Araucana * Pls post pics*

Thanks for that reply, the thing for me is figuring out how the brown gene (s) are expressed for analysis.

I think that it's OO, Oo, or oo for thee primary Blue or White egg color, from which I could analyze the likely outcomes if I was certain of their genetics.

So BROWN is applied elsewhere, and it isn't like, Ob, Bo, bo, you see what I'm getting at, right?
Brown is controlled by a completely different set of genes. Brown is a coating that is applied over the shell, just before it's laid. There are over 9 known genes for the brown coating, and an individual can have several of them. This is why there are SO many different shades of brown, ranging from pale cream to chocolate brown.
Green eggs are the result of these brown coating genes being expressed on a blue shelled egg.
I raised these all together, and I wish I'd included a few white layers so I could test him with white. I do have plenty of brown layers so that won't be a problem.

And two of the girls are Marans, so I can cross my fingers for a few olive eggers if he is OO or Oo.
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I just picked up 2 EE chicks. Initially, I was interested in Ameraucanas but then decided to go with EEs for a few different reasons. I have come across posts that discuss down color and adult color but all the genetic info is above me at present. Anyone have an idea what they might eventually look like based on how your own chicks looked around 4 weeks old? I've been perusing this thread but a lot of photos aren't available...at least not when I'm viewing thread on my phone. Thanks!


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Heres my little one, he/she was in the ameraucana bin as well as barred rocks, and was the only one to look like this. When a day or so old it had a dark coffee brown head and black down with dark grey/greenish legs. So i am posting the little one here for some tips on what my mystery chick is. We bought it along with three barred rocks and two assorted bantams

Also this is at two-three weeks of age it has since gotten more gold in the breast feathers, cape and head.

Picture date March 15,2017

This one looks a little like mine. What does s/he look like now? :)
I love this thread and all the great info and beautiful pics!

I have 6 EEs. Here's my most uniquely-colored one, Daisy Mae, at 10.5 weeks old. I've been told her color doesn't have an official name, but I think it's beautiful!

Profile shot:

Good pic of her nice, full beard and muffs:

And here is a clear shot of her pretty color... it's kind of like reversed buff-laced:
I know this a crazy old thread but what color was daisy mae as a chick?

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