That's pretty cruel. And will likely constituent threat of animal cruelty. She will bring that up in court, if the judge asks.
Those dogs could be her 'babies' as much as you consider your birds to your "babies". Sometimes dogs get out and run, it happens. It's up to both of you to make sure your "babies" are safe and secure on your respective properties.
My babies were on my property. Hers weren't. I have 5 acres and my chickens stay on my property. This actually happened 10 feet from my front door though. I value my chickens over my own dog. I have parrots and chickens and am a bird person. I would never shoot a dog that just came to my property. My neighbors dogs frequently visit with no issues. The sheriff will tell you to shoot a dog that's on your property you don't want there. I know I'm within my right to do that. My guess is she will keep them inside for a short time and slip and they will be back. I also think now that they've had fun with this, she will likely have issues with them hurting hers. They are frequently roaming her yard and the road by her home.
It's miserable that I walk my dog on a leash every single time but I do.
I'd ask an attorney if they're responsible for his medical bills since he fell chasing the dogs off the property
My husband wouldn't want to do that. He's just upset about our babies. But I probably could seek that as well. The code says including costs. I felt bad asking for the vet bill because i know a lot of people find it crazy to vet a chicken but I have an Avian vet for my parrots so I knew she'd have a better chance with pain medicine and antibiotics
They'll probably pay up to avoid the additional fees.
One of them was injured as a baby by our rooster. I pulled her through that. She lived in my house for 3 months. She slept on my dogs bed. She went to the beach with me. These meant as much to me as anyone's dog does. I don't expect everyone to feel that way but I do :(


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There is also "neighborly relations" to consider. I, too, am from a "Defend your own at all costs" state and county. Here, the good people will kindly bring you all the evidence of your predators' misdeeds, subtilly reminding you that they will have to take unwilling control measures(with the gun) if you cannot control your predators advances upon their defenseless stock. Hope your husband is feeling a bit better by now. Really, personally, I wouldn't go to court, but I may contact that neighbor and thank her for her offer, not accept it, and explain that I had been in extreme shock last time I'd spoken to her. Maybe take her a small gift. At home, I would keep the gun loaded. If I have to shoot someone's marauding beast, so be it. but I'd not let on if I did.

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