Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

I can't start my tomatoes until mid to late April. Do you have any favorite varieties? I have become a huge fan of Aunt Ruby's German green. :drool I really do start drooling thinking about it.
ohhh boy.
some people hoard baskets.
some pillows.
I hoard heirloom tomato seeds.
if I had to pick one favorite out of them all- Paul Robeson. I should preface that I am a diehard fan of a solid red tomato. Pinks and oranges, yellows- they all taste good, but a real old fashioned, acidic, not too sweet tomato is my favorite. Now this thing- I believed the hype was false. people touted it like it healed blind men or something. I rolled my eyes and ordered a few seeds anyway.
they were worth the hype. 1000 percent. get them. even if you aren't sure you'll like them because if you don't, someone will.

I ordered seed from Victory Seed co. I adore that company. they are small, focus on direct conservation with their profits and they offer a lot of varieties other companies won't.
I'm still experimenting with other varieties. this is my 3rd and final year with Redorta Marzanos. if they don't wow me I am over them. (they are a touted Italian heirloom for sauce making, but so far the plants have been skimpy and sad and prone to rust.)
I still want to try Annia Russian's and maybe a few others. I have done Landis Valley Brandywine, Abe Lincoln, German Pink, Kellogg's Breakfast, Summer Cider, German Gold, and a few others I forget.. none of them really popped at me but I am a sucker for outstanding flavor above anything else.
ohhh boy.
some people hoard baskets.
some pillows.
I hoard heirloom tomato seeds.
if I had to pick one favorite out of them all- Paul Robeson. I should preface that I am a diehard fan of a solid red tomato. Pinks and oranges, yellows- they all taste good, but a real old fashioned, acidic, not too sweet tomato is my favorite. Now this thing- I believed the hype was false. people touted it like it healed blind men or something. I rolled my eyes and ordered a few seeds anyway.
they were worth the hype. 1000 percent. get them. even if you aren't sure you'll like them because if you don't, someone will.

I ordered seed from Victory Seed co. I adore that company. they are small, focus on direct conservation with their profits and they offer a lot of varieties other companies won't.
I'm still experimenting with other varieties. this is my 3rd and final year with Redorta Marzanos. if they don't wow me I am over them. (they are a touted Italian heirloom for sauce making, but so far the plants have been skimpy and sad and prone to rust.)
I still want to try Annia Russian's and maybe a few others. I have done Landis Valley Brandywine, Abe Lincoln, German Pink, Kellogg's Breakfast, Summer Cider, German Gold, and a few others I forget.. none of them really popped at me but I am a sucker for outstanding flavor above anything else.
I'm one of those people who like a sweet tomato. I've enjoyed many brown, green, yellow, and orange tomatoes over the last few years as I try different varieties. I guess that's why there are so many kinds as everyone likes something different as far as taste. :)
Truck is empty, mess is picked up, I am tired.

Dog potty area is back to 4" deep or more of tiny gravel. That space is 18'x23'aprox.

That can be checked off my to do i st now. :wee
Wow, that's a lot of work. It's satisfying to get something off that list. Now you have room for another item to add. 😀
if I had to pick one favorite out of them all- Paul Robeson. I should preface that I am a diehard fan of a solid red tomato. Pinks and oranges, yellows- they all taste good, but a real old fashioned, acidic, not too sweet tomato is my favorite. Now this thing- I believed the hype was false. people touted it like it healed blind men or something. I rolled my eyes and ordered a few seeds anyway.
they were worth the hype. 1000 percent. get them. even if you aren't sure you'll like them because if you don't, someone will.

Oh goodie. I ordered Paul Robeson seeds this year, sort of experimenting my way through brown/purple tomatoes as I love the deep, savory flavor that dark tomatoes can get but I hadn't found "the one" yet. Already have them under the grow light and they germinated and started up well, so looking forward to summer to taste the results.
We got our Musser tree catalog this past week. Husband wants about another 50 trees to try to establish in our fields and along the fence line to block the neighbors. Might pick a few things out for myself too. :)
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