Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

You should be proud of your place. It takes a lot of work to get it looking that nice.

I spent the day cleaning coops, making store runs, taking the puppy on her twice monthly trips around the dog friendly stores and doing housework.

I picked up pansy and petunia seeds.

Any tips on sprouting those?
I did nothing much here. :D

It's been a few years since I started pansy. I got some myself. I believe they take a while to sprout. Most seeds I just sprinkle on top of the soil and than water in with warm water before covering with a piece of plastic wrap. Than onto my south facing windowsill, that also has a heat vent just below which helps with sprouting.

My husband cleaned my shed for me yesterday. I really am spoiled, and blessed.
I did nothing much here. :D

It's been a few years since I started pansy. I got some myself. I believe they take a while to sprout. Most seeds I just sprinkle on top of the soil and than water in with warm water before covering with a piece of plastic wrap. Than onto my south facing windowsill, that also has a heat vent just below which helps with sprouting.

My husband cleaned my shed for me yesterday. I really am spoiled, and blessed.

I will give it a good try this year for posies from seed. :p

I have a neighbor several doors down...we chatted a bit while she was out walking today. She starts her zinnia in the ground not in pots. I will try both ways. This year the in pots will be much much later than last year. I totally messed that up and lost many from starting to soon.
I will give it a good try this year for posies from seed. :p

I have a neighbor several doors down...we chatted a bit while she was out walking today. She starts her zinnia in the ground not in pots. I will try both ways. This year the in pots will be much much later than last year. I totally messed that up and lost many from starting to soon.
Zinnia are touchy. I can lose the whole batch to fungus sometimes. They don't like to be wet, and the bigger varieties can get leggy and weak. Starting in the ground is better, but you lose that jump start on flowers. Here it's a short growing season, so it can be hard to wait for those beautiful flowers.

I think most varieties of zinnia are 4-6 weeks before planting out for start date. I also run a fan daily on them to strengthen them up a bit.
Being to wet shouldn't be an issue here. :lau
Fungus usually only shows up as powdery mildew late in the season on big leaf squash.

I got a couple different packs for different heights. That way I can see which works well for me.

Last time I set the seeds at 7 weeks before our last frost. They sprouted like crazy magic beans!!!! Then they got to big way before time to go out.
Being to wet shouldn't be an issue here. :lau
Fungus usually only shows up as powdery mildew late in the season on big leaf squash.

I got a couple different packs for different heights. That way I can see which works well for me.

Last time I set the seeds at 7 weeks before our last frost. They sprouted like crazy magic beans!!!! Then they got to big way before time to go out.
Shoot for 2-4 weeks before, at least for the taller varieties. The short ones can take longer at 8-12 weeks before.
A couple of years ago I bought a bunch of cheap zinnia seed packets from Walmart. They have self seeded every year since and I end up with a garden full of all colors, heights and flower types. Very pretty! This year because with the crazy weather, the seedlings started coming up in December! Of course we then had a frost and it killed them back. I guess I’ll pick some more seeds up the next time I’m in Walmart...
A couple of years ago I bought a bunch of cheap zinnia seed packets from Walmart. They have self seeded every year since and I end up with a garden full of all colors, heights and flower types. Very pretty! This year because with the crazy weather, the seedlings started coming up in December! Of course we then had a frost and it killed them back. I guess I’ll pick some more seeds up the next time I’m in Walmart...

Aw dang. I hope there are still seeds spread around your beds that stayed dormant.

Edited because autocorrect is really a room full of weirdos laughing at how messed up they can make my posts read. 🤨
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A couple of years ago I bought a bunch of cheap zinnia seed packets from Walmart. They have self seeded every year since and I end up with a garden full of all colors, heights and flower types. Very pretty! This year because with the crazy weather, the seedlings started coming up in December! Of course we then had a frost and it killed them back. I guess I’ll pick some more seeds up the next time I’m in Walmart...
What zone are you? I'd love to have self seeding zinnias.

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