Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

It sounds nice. I used to have an herb garden, but took it out. You could grow herbs like thyme, or catmint is another hardy plant I like. Feverfew, and chamomile are other nice plants.

I do have chamomile seeds to give that a try. I haven't found feverfew locally yet. I will definitely be looking more into growing needs and heights on those.
Thyme would be a yummy smell every time someone walks up that path. :p
I do have chamomile seeds to give that a try. I haven't found feverfew locally yet. I will definitely be looking more into growing needs and heights on those.
Thyme would be a yummy smell every time someone walks up that path. :p
There are a bunch of different types of thyme too. It's one herb I grow and use. I love lemon thyme, and there's also a citrus thyme. There's also mother of thyme which is more decorative, and regular old thyme. I got thyme. :)
That is very pretty! Those colors together are very easy on the eye.
My hubby is from southern Mississippi. He always wants that lush green feel to the yard.
He forgets that takes water. All the chemicals added to city water sure do have a negative impact on the plants.

Thank you. Yes a friend of mine moved to Colorado a few years ago and tells me that gardening up there is a whole ’nother ball game!
Portulaca is a nice flower. It’s drought tolerant, low growing and blooms all summer.
It is certainly a challenge here. Cold dry winters and hot dry summers.
Drainage is a huge issue with hard dry clay. Roots cannot penetrate and water runs off instead of into. Then add the altitude and plants get attitude.

I do have miniature roses that are doing well. One is actually 16 years old. I plan to move it......That should be fun.
People trip on my front step. The entry is awkward. The new path will lead to a more natural feeling step. It will be straight on instead of a hard right.

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