Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

Apparently this year I like dreaming about gardening but I'm not in the mood to start too many plants. We are slowly warming up here, so maybe I will be out poking around in my gardens by the end of the month. :fl
Get a canary. Name him Tweety. :)

Lol poor bird would have a dog AND a cat staring at it.

Apparently this year I like dreaming about gardening but I'm not in the mood to start too many plants. We are slowly warming up here, so maybe I will be out poking around in my gardens by the end of the month. :fl

I dare not plant anything outside until MAY. I will poke around and loosen some soil before then but no planting.
Lol poor bird would have a dog AND a cat staring at it.

I dare not plant anything outside until MAY. I will poke around and loosen some soil before then but no planting.
You can't do cold crops like radish, lettuce, carrots, spinach? I plant those as soon as the ground thaws. They can handle frosts. I'm drooling at the thought of fresh lettuce. :drool
Hi from SW Wisconsin! I live to garden these gray days and am planning gardens for landscape and gardens for food. I am planting a small chicken garden along the south side of our run. (I have small ‘people food’ raised beds separate from the chicken area... it’ll be interesting to see how far the chicks venture so I may need to protect those beds... but the run-garden is chicken specific.)
In the run garden I’ll grow chicken-friendly/edible plants to help cast shade, like St Croix grapes, sunflowers, Lions Ear (which is tall and in the mint family) and climbing nasturtiums.
The rest is herbal: chamomile, calendula, basil, marigolds, mint, lemon balm, marjoram, dill... I love to garden so planning this keeps me going 🤓. I’d love seeing what you guys are planting!
Hi from SW Wisconsin! I live to garden these gray days and am planning gardens for landscape and gardens for food. I am planting a small chicken garden along the south side of our run. (I have small ‘people food’ raised beds separate from the chicken area... it’ll be interesting to see how far the chicks venture so I may need to protect those beds... but the run-garden is chicken specific.)
In the run garden I’ll grow chicken-friendly/edible plants to help cast shade, like St Croix grapes, sunflowers, Lions Ear (which is tall and in the mint family) and climbing nasturtiums.
The rest is herbal: chamomile, calendula, basil, marigolds, mint, lemon balm, marjoram, dill... I love to garden so planning this keeps me going 🤓. I’d love seeing what you guys are planting!
I have dabbled in a little bit of everything here over the years. You will need to fence off anything you wish to grow in your chicken run if you want anything to last. Even bigger stuff will get their roots dug up by industrious birds.

I haven't heard of lions ear. I have grown lambs ear. That I do grow and like.
I have dabbled in a little bit of everything here over the years. You will need to fence off anything you wish to grow in your chicken run if you want anything to last. Even bigger stuff will get their roots dug up by industrious birds.

I haven't heard of lions ear. I have grown lambs ear. That I do grow and like.
Ha ha, yeah, I figured I’d have to protect the plants... I’m still working that out. The hummingbirds LOVE Lion’s Ear... kind of a Dr Seussian looking plant

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