Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

Hi all, No wonder I can't find seeds in the store anymore.
If you planted all of those, you could start your own food outlet.
no planting here .. today it is snowing and the ground is white again.

last year DD and friend planted hemp in buckets out in my field. hundreds of buckets.. She is talking about planting some this year, but directly into the ground.
that will be OK with me, because then I can steal a couple of buckets with commercial compost in them for my tomatoes.. well, I was going to do that anyhow..
I seldom start plants. Easier to go to the Amish greenhouse ..
I do putter around doing air grafts on my apple trees.
I did one on my mulberry tree, too.
I am trying to root some elderberries..
Last year the wind twisted my plum tree in half. luckily I had two others started for pollination.
there is one scraggily branch left on the old plum tree. It looks like a giant Ban Sai ..
Hi all, No wonder I can't find seeds in the store anymore.
If you planted all of those, you could start your own food outlet.
no planting here .. today it is snowing and the ground is white again.

last year DD and friend planted hemp in buckets out in my field. hundreds of buckets.. She is talking about planting some this year, but directly into the ground.
that will be OK with me, because then I can steal a couple of buckets with commercial compost in them for my tomatoes.. well, I was going to do that anyhow..
I seldom start plants. Easier to go to the Amish greenhouse ..
I do putter around doing air grafts on my apple trees.
I did one on my mulberry tree, too.
I am trying to root some elderberries..
Last year the wind twisted my plum tree in half. luckily I had two others started for pollination.
there is one scraggily branch left on the old plum tree. It looks like a giant Ban Sai ..
Well, I’ve acquired them all slowly over several years so didn’t just go buying out all the stores ;) 😂

But yes, I could probably grow or even sell or donate tons of food!!! I’m thinking of maybe setting up another garden or two this year but I don’t know.

I’m also thinking of growing tons of stuff in containers though so we’ll see.

I think I might have to buy some started plants too. I’m kind of over starting them :lau :oops:

But I do like the variety you can get from starting your own so I’ll probably continue to do it especially considering I have so many seeds haha

I hope your trees do well!!

We have some blueberry bushes we planted last year and I’m hoping they do well this year. They were more like twigs so hopefully not dead haha

Pretty sure the grapes I planted died 😭
Everything I’m (hopefully) growing this year. Might try broccoli or something too but not sure. Have the seeds but just not sure if I want to. Also not sure if I’ll open both things of the Chard. Probably not haha and not sure I want to grow so many tomatoes considering we don’t normally eat that many but they’re open so feel like I should use them. Idk. Putting it in a spoiler because there’s so many pictures 😂🙈

I grow between 5-8 tomato plants here. Unless you are freezing a lot of tomatoes you probably don't need much more than that.

I don't grow broccoli because of those green caterpillars. No matter how much I wash and clean them I always end up cooking at least one a season. :sick. I can't handle that anymore.

With Swiss chard I generally plant 8-20 seeds.
I grow between 5-8 tomato plants here. Unless you are freezing a lot of tomatoes you probably don't need much more than that.

I don't grow broccoli because of those green caterpillars. No matter how much I wash and clean them I always end up cooking at least one a season. :sick. I can't handle that anymore.

With Swiss chard I generally plant 8-20 seeds.
I always plant way too many plants. It’s what I do 😂🙈

Like how I’m indecisive and buy 5 things instead of one cause I can’t decide.

It’s a problem. 😂

Last year I ended up with a million and had to throw some away lol might have to set up a stand at the end of the driveway and give some away this year 😂🙈

So I don’t waste them lol

I think maybe part of my problem though is I always go crazy and buy the like 72 tray thingy and think I have to fill it up 😂🙈

Probably could (and should) buy a smaller tray.... that might help. 😂🙈

You’ve convinced me not to try broccoli!!! LOL that sounds disgusting!!! :sick

That’s a good idea!!!

I’m growing so many different kinds of lettuces and greens this year lol
See??? Went crazy 😂🙈

Granted like half the peppers are 3-4 years old so idk if they’ll all sprout but still.

5 different kinds of peppers, 5 kinds of tomatoes (decided not to grow the Roma even though it was open... didn’t like them that much & no room), and 2 kinds of eggplant.

Still need to plant the greens, onions, and beets but need to get some different containers for them.

And going to start the cucumbers and squash inside for a bit of an advantage. Have some bigger trays for those.

Gonna do that when I get home.
I grow between 5-8 tomato plants here. Unless you are freezing a lot of tomatoes you probably don't need much more than that.

I did 6 tomatoes last year and it was wayyy too much (I'm only interested in eating fresh, not canning). So I decided to only do 3 this year, which also coincides with the number of good tomato cages I have. :)

Pretty busy morning clearing roots out of a raised bed, then amending it. Seeded carrots and oyster leaf, along with cabbage and cauliflower (I had tried starting indoors but they didn't do well, so figured I'd try direct seeding). Also put out the basil and celery starts to start hardening them to outdoors.

Down to one last raised bed to clear out (waiting on that one because it still has perfectly edible kale in it, so I don't want to pull it and waste it).
Still need to plant the greens, onions, and beets but need to get some different containers for them.

And going to start the cucumbers and squash inside for a bit of an advantage. Have some bigger trays for those.

Gonna do that when I get home.
I direct seed most vegetables. I only start tomatoes, and peppers if I'm growing them.

Plant your cold crops first, generally as soon as your ground is thawed, and soil temperatures are 50 or above. Things like radish, lettuce, peas, stuff like that.

Than your warm season crops after all risks of frost has passed. Cucumbers, beans, squash, melons, and your started stuff.

That's how I do it.

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