Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

Today it was warm enough to put the metal roofing up to extend the drip edge about 4 inches. Now maybe the icicles wont attach themselves to the fascia.
Nephew spotted an ermine darting around my trailer next to the pine trees. First one he ever saw. I will leave it alone. we don't have any chickens and weasels kill mice..
I've never seen an ermine around here, my husband has though. I've seen a regular old weasel. Much smaller than I expected. My rat terrier got it before it could escape.

Tomorrow supposed to be even warmer. It's been nice not having to slog through deep snow, or to have to bundle up so much.
you probably know that an ermine is a weasel with it's white winter coat. the tip of the tail is still dark, though.
I bought corn seeds online this past spring.
None of them sprouted.. I forgot the name of
the place that they were from. it doesn't matter, because I will never order corn on line again.. And the seeds were not cheap.
and they shorted me on the packages. but after some email exchanges, they finally sent me the rest of the seeds.. I found them on Amazon.. I threatened to give them one star..
I wasn't sure that they were the same. My husband just called an ermine a winter weasel, I should have figured it out from there myself. :) Even after all these years I'm still learning about our local wildlife.

I'm hoping Fleet Farm and Menards have lots of seeds. They didn't seem like they had less this pass spring. I think I found my corn seed at the Tractor Supply this past spring.

We planted way more than we needed. This next year we will plant a bit less. I generally don't do corn, but last spring we bought a field tiller to put in some wildlife food plots, and decided to put in a human food plot too.

We also bought one of those single row push planters. I ended up being the horse, and pulled while my husband pushed. We than put snow fence around the field to keep the chickens out, but that wasn't necessary as they didn't do much damage to the unfenced wildlife plot, so we will leave it open next year.
No snow here. It all went to the south.
the lakes are freezing up. the ice is nice and
smooth. good for ice skating..
today I racked two jugs of wine. I will do it once more in about a week or two.. It should be done working by then. It looks real nice.
I should have tasted it..
I have one more jug to rack in a few days.
I need a whole bunch of wine bottles. I hate to have to buy any. Years ago I gave a trailer load of them away.. I thought I was never going to be making wine again.
who knew ??

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