Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

Yep Barb, inline shut off valve. easy to install.
just cut a fuel line, insert the valve and tighten
two hose clamps. then instead of shutting off the
engine, you let it run out of gas. a good thing to do
if you are not going to use the machine for a few weeks
or more. that's all I do for winter storage. I also do not
use ethynol gas in my lawn equipment or tractor.
I had a small skin cancer removed from my ear
about a week ago. it is healing nicely and the notch
is hardly noticeable .
I seldom say this, but,,,today it was a dreary day.
good news, there is a cat hanging around here.
he will probably go after the rabbits first.
so far I have caught four red squirrels. we just took
one for a five mile ride to where there are woods on both
sides of the road. no houses for a long way.
at least this way he has a better chance to survive than
if I would have dispatched him.
It's 30 degrees; I am already tired of being cold.

It looks like tomorrow could be the last relatively warm day of the season, so I need to finish cleaning out the garden, throw straw mulch on the strawberry bed, add pine shavings to the rest of the coops, put away all the empty pots and yard art. You'd think I didn't know the weather was going to change.

I'd rather just sit inside and read -- which I did yesterday while the wind was gusting at nearly 40 miles per hour. Buying books online has been a blessing and a curse. I went a little crazy over the summer but will now have a great stockpile for winter reading.
I am also tired of the cold. We wrapped the chicken run yeaterday and that wind was rough, but the girls were happy and came out of the coop for the first time at mid afternoon.

I have to cover up the strawberries today too and cut back the parsley and cover that. The rest will just need to be what it is. We are prepping the boat for winter and putting it up in blocks today. We need to being some wood in the house and then I am going to cook something warm.
Just let the dog out and we got snow folks! Man, it is early


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It's 30 degrees; I am already tired of being cold.

It looks like tomorrow could be the last relatively warm day of the season, so I need to finish cleaning out the garden, throw straw mulch on the strawberry bed, add pine shavings to the rest of the coops, put away all the empty pots and yard art. You'd think I didn't know the weather was going to change.

I'd rather just sit inside and read -- which I did yesterday while the wind was gusting at nearly 40 miles per hour. Buying books online has been a blessing and a curse. I went a little crazy over the summer but will now have a great stockpile for winter reading.
I used to love having time to read! My biggest problem is that if I pick up a really good book, I will sit down and read it to the last page in one sitting. :th
I used to have a cat, when I was young, who loved when I did that. She would curl up next to me and sleep. (except when I had homemade cookies and milk, then she would insist on sharing. :lau )
I looked out the kitchen window at 7 AM . didn't see snow.
made a bad cuppa coffee. but I am going to drink it anyway.
I used to read, but my poor vision doesn't allow it. I have to
use a magnifying glass. kind of takes the relaxation out of it.
but I can still use the table saw. that makes Annie cringe . lol

ETA: 8:42 AM,,,it just started snowing here.
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