Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

Yesterday I removed the protective metal from behind
the stove that I put there last week. I wasn't satisfied
how it looked. I redid it and added another piece above
it to protect the wall from the heat of the stove pipe.
I am satisfied with it now. I lit a roaring fire to test it.
it functions well.
today will be outside projects. moving things out of
the way for snow plowing. putting lawn mowers into the
leanto. making room in the garage for Annie's car.
I hope the remaining eggs hatch .
at my age, every step should have a railing.
I even put a railing on the wheel chair ramp.
Apparently I'm the only one enjoying this gorgeous weather.

Supposed to warm up over the next weekend. Plans are to mow the lawn one last time and put the clippings and leaves on my blueberry shrubs.

I am enjoying our weather here in Colorado.
Warm enough to not run the furnace and cool enough at night to think about a jacket for morning chores.

The trees are all extra gorgeous in fall colors here.
I am enjoying our weather here in Colorado.
Warm enough to not run the furnace and cool enough at night to think about a jacket for morning chores.

The trees are all extra gorgeous in fall colors here.
Warmed up here for a few days. I'm back to wearing shorts again. The Asian ladybeetles are swarming too. Trying to keep them out of the house. You probably don't see them in your area? Nothing like finding one in your morning coffee. :sick
Warmed up here for a few days. I'm back to wearing shorts again. The Asian ladybeetles are swarming too. Trying to keep them out of the house. You probably don't see them in your area? Nothing like finding one in your morning coffee. :sick

No weird asian ladybeetles here that I know of.
It's not recommended for any bug to mess around with my coffee. :hmm

Today is starting off quite windy and forecast to be warmer. Next week is supposed to be much cooler with our first snow scheduled for Monday morning. I need to be sure and clear the rest of the garden this afternoon.

These cooler temps are really nice.
Nope, I still can't appreciate cooler temps -- just a reminder that I will be uncomfortably cold for six months.

It was gloriously warm yesterday, and could hit 80 today and tomorrow. Mother Nature is graciously giving me two more days to finish up my outdoor chores.

Nearly all the yard art got put away, as well as the pots that had held plants. The chives, parsley, sage and thyme on the deck are still hanging on.

Today's plan includes trimming back hostas and peonies. The railing idea hit a snag when the 4-by-4 post I wanted to use refused to be cut nicely. But, I'm not defeated yet.

No big swarms of lady beetles (in your coffee? Ugh!), but there's more box elders than I'd like to see. And, grasshoppers. I hate grasshoppers.

A lot of my chickens are in a hard molt right now. I don't watch horror movies, but I have seen pictures of a character named "Pinhead." That's what my red frizzle Cochin Bantam looks like -- not a single mature feather on Gabby's head or neck, just pin feathers sticking out in all directions.

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