Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

We are having half warm days too. It was only 32 went I let the chickens out today but now it is 61 now.

Little one is excited for trick o treating tonight, gonna be really warm and wonderful!

Pup is curled up in the sun, trying to soak in as much as possible. She got steak for dinner last night and some hot dog for lunch today--just trying to make her last few days as nice as possible despite how much pain she is in. She can't do the stairs anymore to get outside to go potty so we are carrying her and aren't leaving her home alone at this point.
I'll bet that dog held on extra long just to
get his pork chops.
today I drove the Husqvarna out of the garage
and around into the lean to. It went very good in
reverse and forward. . It had not been working in
reverse before. good, now I will tear the mower deck
apart and regrease all of the bearings. I can do that in
the shop this winter now that I have the wood burner
I took the tractor and retrieved the lawn sweeper

and the two worn out raised beds of strawberries.
I dumped them onto the compost pile.
I am expecting a lady to show up in a half an hour to

purchase some wooden crates. they are vintage if not
we got them about 55 years ago.

this morning, a large buck strolled along the edge
of our lawn. probably looking for our doe.
the crates are all gone. when they left I came into the house
and there was a message on the computer, somebody else
wanted the wooden crates. I had them on CL for a month.
If you snooze you lose..
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Pup is getting the farewell she deserves. We should all be surrounded by so much love when it's time to go.

Hope the trick-or-treating went well. I don't recall that the weather was EVER this nice when I was a kid. Remember being all excited about your costume -- and then having to put your winter coat over it? I sure do!

Congrats on selling those crates, Jim!

I ran my newly discovered leaf blower to pile up leaves from the side yard that I carried over to the sheep and goats. Those little darlings have killed off all the trees in their pens and along the fence lines. They clearly don't understand the benefits of live trees.

My neighbor, who raises pumpkins, has been dropping off some of the less-than-lovely ones for the ruminants and poultry. It's quite the party when she arrives.

I now have a railing -- kind of. The power tools and I have a fragile relationship, and yesterday, we didn't play well at all. So, instead of a real railing, there is a single 2-by-4 that I discovered in the garage addition, angled one end, attached it to the deck rail and the 4-by-4 post with deck screws and added stain. I'm hoping it's just temporary, but if not, at least it's sturdy enough to support me while I go down three steps.
Barb, sounds like that railing is going to be just fine, either temporarily or for a while. I too have a very fragile relationship with power tools- I know how to use them but it never looks pretty when it is done.

There is a farm down the road that sells pumpkins until Halloween and then they get drastically discounted, I will be headed there today to get some for the chickens! They love them as well.

I do remember having to wear winter coats over my costume or better yet, my mom making the costume a couple sizes too big to wear it under-it was the worst because you couldn't take it off in the car and got so hot!

Trick or treating was amazing. It was probably the best one we have had since having kids. We had no little kids that got tired quick, no diapers or bottles, no stroller, they just went--and had so much fun. We haven't gone the last couple years because of Covid but this year we were out for 2.5 hours! We go into MN, as we live where they would be able to go to like 5 houses, and go to one of those neighborhoods where their cars cost more than my house :lau

Great work on selling those crates, Jim! I feel like I have similar experiences with Craigslist. Something can be on there for months, someone buys it and then I get 2-3 more people emailing about it.

Warm weather again today and tomorrow. Daylight savings this weekend, which will be sad for evening chores, I dislike doing chores in the dark at night more than the morning. Anyway, have a great day!
we lived here for 54 years. no close neighbors.
ever since the family from across the road moved
away, we have not had any trick or treaters.
Our house sits 300 feet from the road behind trees.
probably too spooky for most folks. lol
I had hopes of sawing some black walnut branches today.
but I am waiting for the nurse practitioner to call me back.
I started on Jardiance last Friday and my BP has dropped
way down. I think she will take away one of the pills.
they just add pills and never delete any.
Oh no Jim, be careful with that low blood pressure.

We never had any trick or treaters here either and we will have been here 18 years at the end of this month. Living out in the country means not many visitors ever, which for us works out just fine :) Gate is closed at the end of the driveway so the kids and dog can run and play. No need to worry (too much anyway).

I have the windows open on Nov 1st! Can't hardly believe it. I see by the weekend we will be back to normal but today and tomorrow I am soaking it in. I love the sun, I swear I was a cat in my previous life :)

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