Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

Jim, I do not burn snow, though come mid January we will have more snow than wood so maybe.....apparently I didn't have enough coffee before writing that entry this morning.

I did watch the Packers and the Vikings win this weekend, good games for both teams.

Look luck painting Barb! I do not envy you, I hate painting...anything it all stinks :)
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First the good news: No one has to nag (or, more kindly, chide me, Jim!) because I got the kitchen painted yesterday! I'm kind of embarrassed to admit that I procrastinated for more than 2 years on a one-day project.

Why did I wait so long? Oh, yeah, I hate prep work AND clean up. And I was the Queen of Klutzy yesterday, so there was a LOT of clean up. At one point, it looked like I was painting my hands; I just got paint all over everywhere. Also, I dropped and broke a vintage Ball jar that held countless coins, which along with broken shards of glass, scattered all over the floor and under the refrigerator.

But, it's over, and it looks good. Sometimes, a new paint color doesn't align with what I've imagined it would look like in an entire room. This one matched up perfectly.

Had the guys who repaired the ceiling been tidier -- the texture stuff ended up as much as 4 inches down the walls (you're right, @wyoDreamer, it cleans off the cabinets, not so much the already-painted wall) -- repainting wouldn't have been necessary.

Not so good news to me: Snow fell overnight. It's not done yet, and now, they're saying it could be up to 4 inches. I have to go to town today, so I hope I don't have to shovel much first.

Anjanet, I totally understand the homebody-as-you-get-older thing. Once I make my morning trip, I will be content to hang out here for the rest of the week. And, congrats on those potatoes!
:weecongrats on getting the painting done!!!!woohoo I bet it feels great to get that done.

We got about 3 inches of snow yesterday, DH says it is slippery out there this morning, the oldest will have to be careful driving. I am glad the youngest rides the bus ;) sounds like we are getting another 2-3 today. This weekend sounds awful with highs only in the teens ;(

Today is desk work, some light housework and then I am going to whip up some mashed potatoes to eat and freeze. Love love love mashed potatoes with some gravy and then I will make some stuffing;) sounds like Thanksgiving is early here. I still have sole cranberries I canned last year so I will open those too. Nice warm comfort food.
awww, Barb, I was looking forward to hounding you about
that painting..
From here it looks real nice.
Annie has been putting out food for the stray
cat. It is gone everyday. However we saw bluejays
taking some. Now with the snow, I can check for
cat tracks.
yesterday I looked at DD's chainsaw. It is a vintage
Homelite EZ. made for only one year,,,1989
parts are still available. Old timey fuel mixture
ratio 1 to 32.
Annjanet, canning will help heat up the house.
We eat stuffing often throughout the year. Stove Top.
but on thanksgiving and Christmas I make a big batch
from scratch.
Last thanksgiving I made a cornish hen for each person.
then they took the left overs home.
This year Annie ordered a meal for 12 from County Market.
She did this once before. I will tweak the stuffing and
sweet potatoes to my liking.. I am thinking of making
mashed potato rolls, too.

Yesterday we saw the cat run into the garage.
So Annie moved his dish into the garage.
without the bluejays eating the food, it lasts
we have about 3" of snow. it seems to be melting
a little today.
I am not going to try plowing yet.
If we keep getting snow, the frost will not go
so deep this winter. that could mean an early spring.
We are not plowing here yet either Jim, just letting it melt away. I do not think our frost line will be very deep as well, which I will be happy for an early spring and so will some construction workers I am sure.

I am not looking forward to the next few days that the highs will be in the teens but it looks like by early next week we will be back to the 30s.

Played out in the snow with the youngest yesterday, it was nice and warm.

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