Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

Rained almost half an inch here Friday. More sooner would have been better, but I am still getting about a half pint of cherry tomatoes a day The best "crop" is a complete surprise.

When I cut back the thornless blackberries this spring, there was a lot of open space, so I plunked three Menards cherry tomato plants (can't remember what variety) in the bed. Now, I have oodles of cherry tomatoes ripening among the extremely vigorous and long-reaching blackberry bushes. They certainly aren't getting full sun!

Sorry about your Jeopardy recording Lisa. I usually end up sitting down in front of the TV to watch back-to-back episodes every week day. Although he's been gone for almost three years, I still am a bit taken aback every time Ken or Mayim is announced as the host.
woke up a 4 am. have coffee in hand.
the pie is/was good. Annie used some store bought
apples somebody gave to us. the pie was good, but
not quite as good as our own apples.
I drained one barrel and left the hose stretched
out to the apple tree. any future rain will go directly
to the tree. I have to get a couple of flat spots fixed in
the other hose on the other barrel.
Barb, IDK about thornless berries. but with my
thorny black berries, if I cut they down to four or
five feet, they seem to produce heavier.
enjoy the cooler weather..
Annie got after me and I listed the chicken plucker
on craigslist wausau, farm and garden

it is heavy, so I left it in the tractor bucket for pictures.


You must have processed a lot of chickens in your day Him. Hopefully someone takes it off your hands.
Yes we did process lots of chickens.
when the kids were young, we did 200 per year.
when I graduated from 8th grade, I went to work
on a chicken farm. we processed 800 per day, twice
a week. cut them in half for half fryers for restaurants.
had thousands of caged birds at different ages..
I built 4 whizbang pluckers. used them until I would sell
it , then build another one. I got $1ooo,oo to $12oo.oo for
them.. they were solid machines, not toys..
this plucker I bought about 55 years ago. all I ever had to do
was change the motor a couple of times. I loaned it out to
friends and neighbors. when I needed it, I had to track it down. lol
I will see if I have a picture of a whizbang and send it later.
Today is our 60th anniversary . Bro and his wife are taking
us out for chimichangas after the football game.

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