Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

How do you check a dogs blood sugar? Bless your heart that is true devotion!
I use a glucose meter. They make them for dogs, but also the brand I use can be used in dogs. Lots of suggested places to get blood from. I use the elbow calluses. Still feel bad doing. Dog doesn't understand why I'm doing all this stuff to her. The worse is the food restrictions. It is exhausting to me because I have my own to take care of. Now it's double the stress, but as long as Sunny is happy we keep going. Will be two years in January. Wish she hadn't lost her sight. That's so sad to see. It happened fast over the course of a week or two. Diabetes causes cataracts in dogs.
Lisa, that is sad about the dog going blind.
but dogs just don't fret about hardships.
they just accept them and continue on as best as they can.
on Tuesday I went to the VA and had my hearing tested. there was little change from six years ago. I have a feeling I told this to you already, if I did, don't stop me. I want to hear it again. She took impressions of my ears. going to make plastic inserts. also giving me rechargeable aids. no more tiny batteries to mess with.
I graded the driveway a little and then put the tractor in the shed.
as long as we were in town at noon,
we ate at the Chinese buffet. I love that food.
my kraut is coming along nicely. getting past where the raw cabbage taste is hardly noticeable.
now I have to learn how to program Annie's electric pot.
ribs , kraut and potatoes coming up..
Lisa, that is sad about the dog going blind.
but dogs just don't fret about hardships.
they just accept them and continue on as best as they can.
on Tuesday I went to the VA and had my hearing tested. there was little change from six years ago. I have a feeling I told this to you already, if I did, don't stop me. I want to hear it again. She took impressions of my ears. going to make plastic inserts. also giving me rechargeable aids. no more tiny batteries to mess with.
I graded the driveway a little and then put the tractor in the shed.
as long as we were in town at noon,
we ate at the Chinese buffet. I love that food.
my kraut is coming along nicely. getting past where the raw cabbage taste is hardly noticeable.
now I have to learn how to program Annie's electric pot.
ribs , kraut and potatoes coming up..
I love the Asian buffets too!!!
I use a glucose meter. They make them for dogs, but also the brand I use can be used in dogs. Lots of suggested places to get blood from. I use the elbow calluses. Still feel bad doing. Dog doesn't understand why I'm doing all this stuff to her. The worse is the food restrictions. It is exhausting to me because I have my own to take care of. Now it's double the stress, but as long as Sunny is happy we keep going. Will be two years in January. Wish she hadn't lost her sight. That's so sad to see. It happened fast over the course of a week or two. Diabetes causes cataracts in dogs.
Oh elbow calluses! That would require something more robust than the itty bitty lancet things my kit came with! Yeah I’ll bet it’s hard on your soft heart to have to do that! :hugs
I use a glucose meter. They make them for dogs, but also the brand I use can be used in dogs. Lots of suggested places to get blood from. I use the elbow calluses. Still feel bad doing. Dog doesn't understand why I'm doing all this stuff to her. The worse is the food restrictions. It is exhausting to me because I have my own to take care of. Now it's double the stress, but as long as Sunny is happy we keep going. Will be two years in January. Wish she hadn't lost her sight. That's so sad to see. It happened fast over the course of a week or two. Diabetes causes cataracts in dogs.

I once had a cat become diabetic, it was very difficult to test her blood and give the shots. Sadly she kept getting worse and didn't live long after the diagnosis.

What breed is your dog? I've recently become concerned my dog is not doing well, I need to get an appointment for her but I'm trying to get symptoms noted, and not jump to conclusions ...
Oh elbow calluses! That would require something more robust than the itty bitty lancet things my kit came with! Yeah I’ll bet it’s hard on your soft heart to have to do that! :hugs
I use the 26 gauge lancets on the dog and the 33 gauge on myself. She's gotten used to me say "give me your elbow" so she knows what's coming.
I once had a cat become diabetic, it was very difficult to test her blood and give the shots. Sadly she kept getting worse and didn't live long after the diagnosis.

What breed is your dog? I've recently become concerned my dog is not doing well, I need to get an appointment for her but I'm trying to get symptoms noted, and not jump to conclusions ...
Mine is an Australian shepherd. Lots of different breeds seem to get it. Some is genetic, and some is caused by pancreatitis. It's one reason I feed a lower fat food to my dogs these days.

I follow a couple of groups on Facebook now. Since I have been diabetic for more than 40 years myself I recognized the symptoms in my dog and was able to test her myself, than my vet confirmed it. Weight loss and drinking, and peeing more are the main symptoms.

I always said I would not treat a diabetic dog, but here I am near two years into it. I cannot put her down just because it's hard on myself. As long as she's happy we will keep going.
Mine is an Australian shepherd. Lots of different breeds seem to get it. Some is genetic, and some is caused by pancreatitis. It's one reason I feed a lower fat food to my dogs these days.

I follow a couple of groups on Facebook now. Since I have been diabetic for more than 40 years myself I recognized the symptoms in my dog and was able to test her myself, than my vet confirmed it. Weight loss and drinking, and peeing more are the main symptoms.

I always said I would not treat a diabetic dog, but here I am near two years into it. I cannot put her down just because it's hard on myself. As long as she's happy we will keep going.
How old is your dog?

My son died from a diabetic coma.
Diabetes is a horrible thing.
How old is your dog?

My son died from a diabetic coma.
Diabetes is a horrible thing.
I am so very sorry about the loss of your son. I cannot imagine the pain. :(

I have been a type 1 diabetic since age 10. I cannot remember anything else. It's an exhausting thing that consumes your life and never goes away.

My dog is 10. She was diagnosed at 9. My friend had a diabetic dog diagnosed at age 10. Her dog didn't do well and she put her down.

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