Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

A friend asked me this week how many books I have. Counting, I realized I should get rid of some. My enthusiasm for the project didn't last long; as I chose books to get rid of, I would read a page or two and change my mind. Sigh. That's how much of my decluttering goes.
This is about how decluttering books works for me also! I can easily get rid of a few, but it's hard to get rid of most. (I have donated some books....only to end up buying them again later....)
We do have nice weather here for Wisconsin Barb. Snow will melt off yet again. I can't complain, but hopefully it doesn't mess up the plants.

I have a sick kitty I'm taking in today. He's been missing, now I see why. He's very thin. We will see. All my other kitties are fat and sassy. There's been a new cat lingering about. Hopefully he hasn't brought anything nasty to mine. I regret not vaccinating mine for leukemia. Definitely in the plans now. They are fully vaccinated for everything else.

My diabetic dog is completely blind now, so I gotta watch she doesn't run into stuff outside. She's okay inside except sometimes missing a step. Still very sad to see her like this.
I waited all week for it to get above 40F
so, today I go out to start the tractor and it doesn't start. I check the gas, , , empty
dumped in whatever I could scrounge up , which wasn't much. still didn't start. have to get gas, I guess. probably should take the battery charger back there, too. I ground on it pretty long.
I hope the cat rebounds.
Gave kitty a shot of antibiotics. Ointment for his eyes, and if he cooperates I will take a poop sample in to check for parasites. Vet didn't think it was worth running a bunch of tests that sometimes can give false positives. I of course agreed, so we are treating symptoms and see how it goes. He said to look up FIP in cats, which I did. If it's that than nothing can be done.
What a beautiful December day 🤩 I also did some window washing, some were water drops that needed to be rewashed and buffed out. So happy to have been able to get that done!
Seed catalogs showing up in the mailbox, got the Seed Savers today, can't wait.... well I guess I have to wait 😂
Hope your kitty doesn't have FIV. My sister has dealt with that with the outdoor cats she inherited when Dad died. Fingers crossed that it's something else!

I've never had a pet go blind; mine came that way. An eyeless kitten was born in my backyard 13 years ago; he's been living in my house ever since. I adopted a blind rescue dog; his foster mom thought he could at least see movement, my vet disagrees.

George gets around pretty well most of the time. If it appears he's going to run into something when he's outdoors, I yell, "Careful," and he changes course.

It's hard to watch any pet go through changes as it ages. Your dog is lucky to have a good mom to help her through it all.

I chuckled a bit, Jim, when I read about your tractor. I recently couldn't get my riding mower started to move it into the garage. Right before I was about to call friend Frankie to help me, I remembered how embarrassed I was last year when he asked me, "Does it have gas?" and "solved" my own problem this year.

Seed catalogs are borderline evil. They make me believe I can have a beautiful, bountiful garden (which is never the case, thanks to my own lack of skills and a bevy of bunnies and squirrels) and remind me that spring is months away. BTW, it's been several years now, but I keep telling myself I'm going to return to Seed Savers farm in Decorah. Buying started tomato and pepper plants increased my chance for a successful harvest. I'm terrible at seed starting indoors.

Today may be the last day I can shovel "fertilizer" before precipitation hits. Don't know whether that's good or bad. Garden could still use some more supplementing, but my lower back and hip aren't interested in more digging.
My cats fecal came back negative for everything. I don't think it bodes well for him. He ate a few bites of food, but not much. Hopefully tomorrow he's doing better.

I don't think I need to order any seeds. Anything I need is a good excuse to go to Menards or Fleet Farm in January or February.

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