Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

Good luck with Ollie!

Today it is supposed to hit 40 degrees, then cool down. I want (okay, maybe not really WANT) to haul some more goat poop to the garden and I HAVE to saw some pine into pieces that I can attach under the eaves to block squirrels from getting into the garden shed.

Based on the amount of nesting material I have been able to pull out through the openings, they have been quite comfortable in there for some time. They need to hold their New Year's Eve party elsewhere.
Had the wretched rodents been content to simply hang out in the shed's "attic," I might have given them a pass. However, they were chewing exposed edges of the structure. No good landlord allows tenants to ruin the property.

I rummaged around in the garage and found a cedar picket, leftover from a coop project, and installed pieces that prevent squirrels (at least for now!) from getting into the shed.
Unless they have a Plan B venue, their New Year's party will be a bust.

Lisa, I like the hammer advice. At work, our IT guy actually encouraged us to slam the top of our old VDT computers before we bothered asking him what we wrong with them. Often, all it took was one good hit to the monitor.
our squirrel problem is not over yet either
it appears to be two red squirrels hanging around together. pulling the insulation from around the window AC.
If they would mind their own business they could stay.. but.....
Ollie still will not start.. I'm afraid that this is more than a well applied hammer.
I think dynamite is in order.
I have a hunch that the guys installed the distributor about 90 degrees off.
not a problem if I can match it to the
no 1 cylinder.
Annie bought me a cylinder compression tester today.. late Christmas present..
GS's birthday is Jan 2. He will not be here that day so today we will take him to our favorite Chinese restaurant.
It is the Lemon Grass. excellent place.
I always order the currie beef slightly hot.
Ah, yes, if only the little tree rats would behave. They're kind of cute -- until they become agents of chaos and destruction.

I like Annie's choice of gifts. People have always thought it a bit strange that I appreciate practical gifts. Many years ago, my primary birthday present was a vacuum cleaner. I loved it!

It sounds like you're getting closer to getting Ollie ready to run in 2024 -- as long as you don't use the dynamite. Just think how that worked for Wile E. Coyote!

Here's to a great New Year!
Our neighbor always left his truck hood up - to keep out the ground squirrels he said. Claimed the ground squirrels were chewing the wiring harness. One day hubby opened the hood on our car to check the oil before a trip and saw little eyes staring up at him. He poked it with a stick and a Rabbit popped out. I actually sat in my living room and watched a rabbit climb up into the engine compartment of a friends car.
back in the day, a lifelong friend of my brother started up his car and heard the most horrible screaming. he opened up the hood and his angora cat came screaming out. it had hit the fan and lost a lot of chunks of hair..
I won't work on Ollie until next year.
I have to rig up some lights. it is so dark in the lean to.. I already have a heater back there.
can't do mechanics with gloves on.
our new year party at my sister's was cancelled. my brother was going to go to his son's , but he and his wife have caught colds, so they are not going to go there. Annie asked me if I was going to get dressed. I asked, where are we going ? she said, nowhere. So I said why get dressed up ?
I guess she figured I should get more formal for the mushroom, baked potato and steak dinner I am cooking..

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