Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

Bad news yesterday about one of my senior cats. I noticed Sunday that he was drooling excessively. Vet said it's a tumor in his jawbone. Both his mother and his brother developed tumors in their heads, so I guess it's likely he's genetically inclined. The tumors grow very fast; part of his jaw would have to be removed to try to get the tumor. What kind of life would he have then?

Marco Polo was the first of the kittens -- 15 years ago -- to wander away from the bunch and explore, hence his name. He is a handsome black fellow and very sweet. I am giving him antibiotics for the infection and a something to reduce the inflammation and pain.

I will make him as comfortable as possible until he lets me know he's ready to go.
So very sorry. Give kitty a scratch from me. 15 is a good long life for a kitty, but it's never enough time.
Bad news yesterday about one of my senior cats. I noticed Sunday that he was drooling excessively. Vet said it's a tumor in his jawbone. Both his mother and his brother developed tumors in their heads, so I guess it's likely he's genetically inclined. The tumors grow very fast; part of his jaw would have to be removed to try to get the tumor. What kind of life would he have then?

Marco Polo was the first of the kittens -- 15 years ago -- to wander away from the bunch and explore, hence his name. He is a handsome black fellow and very sweet. I am giving him antibiotics for the infection and a something to reduce the inflammation and pain.

I will make him as comfortable as possible until he lets me know he's ready to go.
I’m so sorry about your kitty! :hugs
Bad news yesterday about one of my senior cats. I noticed Sunday that he was drooling excessively. Vet said it's a tumor in his jawbone. Both his mother and his brother developed tumors in their heads, so I guess it's likely he's genetically inclined. The tumors grow very fast; part of his jaw would have to be removed to try to get the tumor. What kind of life would he have then?

Marco Polo was the first of the kittens -- 15 years ago -- to wander away from the bunch and explore, hence his name. He is a handsome black fellow and very sweet. I am giving him antibiotics for the infection and a something to reduce the inflammation and pain.

I will make him as comfortable as possible until he lets me know he's ready to go.
Sad 😞 I’m sorry 😘
good morning
yesterday I picked up my new prescription reading glasses.. for the first time in a couple of years, I do not have double vision..
On Monday I will pick up the other glasses for distance. hopefully I will be able to drive again .. I am restricted to daylight hours.. but it would be nice to not have to rely on Annie to tote me around..
I have a dilemma . we can not buy any
tom/jerry mix anywhere. but we have rum and brandy to use up..
(I don't want them to spoil)
So, I am going to try to make some tom/jerry batter.
if you have a good recipe or advice, get it to me asap. I am going to do it this afternoon..
going to use 8 eggs..
good morning
yesterday I picked up my new prescription reading glasses.. for the first time in a couple of years, I do not have double vision..
On Monday I will pick up the other glasses for distance. hopefully I will be able to drive again .. I am restricted to daylight hours.. but it would be nice to not have to rely on Annie to tote me around..
I have a dilemma . we can not buy any
tom/jerry mix anywhere. but we have rum and brandy to use up..
(I don't want them to spoil)
So, I am going to try to make some tom/jerry batter.
if you have a good recipe or advice, get it to me asap. I am going to do it this afternoon..
going to use 8 eggs..

I've never made it but found this recipe you could try!

Does rum or brandy spoil??

the fruits of my labor.
8 pints of sauerkraut.
I let it ferment for 8 weeks.

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