Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

I think all the trips down the stairs with dirt to fill the old freezer would do me in..
A friend of ours suggested we fill it with dirt and raise fishing worms.. also, not going to happen..
If push comes to shove, I will build a sturdy base for it and tip it on it's side and fill it with shelves..
at 8PM last night the appliance store called us.
they were trying to contact a different customer.
could not make contact, so they called us and asked if we would take delivery of the 17cu ft freezer. heck yes. said it would be here around noon.. they showed up at 10AM. we were just starting to empty the old one.. the drivers waited for us to empty the old one. 4 large coolers and 3 large boxes.. Not all of it went back into the new freezer.. If it was unrecognizable, or had dates on it , like 2017 for instance. it got tossed..
Many folks are in disbelief when I tell them that my 1915 farm house didn't have an indoor bathroom until the 1970's. At that point, the widowed owner's kids insisted she would have to move to town if she didn't upgrade from her outhouse. God bless Olive's children!!
My dad was in high school in the '60s before his parents were able to put in an indoor bathroom. They worked hard and rarely had anything "extra." When dad was growing up, Grandpa would wake early and get the milking started and then Grandma would go out and take over when he headed to work at GM and do the rest of the farming in the evening....all so they could buy their little farm an hour away from Flint where they had previously lived and never wanted to live again. My mom (dad passed away 3 years ago) still lives on a portion of that farm.
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Yesterday marked one month to the day since there was no snow on the ramp, and both gates opened and closed completely. There's just a few patches of snow left on the ground, and green things are growing a bit -- mostly weeds, of course.

My sister left for home yesterday. We didn't get as much done as we'd hoped because while it was warm, we were under a wind advisory that made outdoor work too challenging.

We spent about six hours Wednesday carting critters to vets in two towns -- because my long-time vet doesn't see poultry. Dogs just needed some "routine maintenance," but I like to wait until Carolyn is here to help to herd them into and out of the car.

Drew, a runner duck, started limping this week and has conjunctivitis. This is the first time I've had to give eye drops to a duck. She's also getting oral meds, one of my chickens and one of my cats also are getting oral meds. Although the patients are doing okay, Nurse Barbara is getting tired of the routine already.

Now that Carolyn's left, today's weather will have much less wind and I will be tackling chores alone. I've accused her of planning visits for times when she KNOWS we won't be able to work outdoors. :)

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